Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oak {11 months old}

...weighing her this morning she weighed 24.8 lbs. but that was also right after I fed her and filled her little tummy.
...she will fold her arms for prayer, when you ask her to, or when she sees anyone else with their arms folded.
...says "Uh-Oh!" constantly. She loves to throw or drop anything off her highchair and exclaim Uh-Oh.
...when she can't see me she will yell "Maaa!" over and over until I answer her.
...she LOVES to rough house with Mac. She giggles and giggles.
...when she is getting into something she shouldn't and you tell her No-No. She will stop and look at you, tilt her head and give you the biggest, cheesiest grin. She knows she is cute and tries to use it to her advantage.
...she can be really goofy sometimes. she runs along the couch back and forth giggling, she whips her head from side to side (like ear to shoulder) until she loses her balance and falls and then just giggles.
...she can stand for about 5 seconds or so when she wants to.
...she will walk while using just one hand to hold ours. she is still a bit wobbly but getting so much better all the time.
...she loves cell phones. when she is playing with one and you say "Hello?" She will put the phone to her ear. so cute!
...she loves to play peek-a-boo! anytime she finds a blanket she will put it over her head to play.
...she got her 5th tooth recently.
...we finally got her a convertible car seat (although it isn't installed yet). She is just getting too scrunched in her carrier (which we never take out of the car anymore anyway) although she hasn't reached the max weight of 30 lbs for it yet.
...she is a great sleeper and eater.
...she is definitely getting her own opinion on things and will make sure we know when she doesn't want to do something.
...she loves baths and recently discovered that she can move around and get all crazy. It's cute, but makes it really hard to get her washed up or make sure she doesn't get hurt.
...she is a mommy's girl, but when daddy is around she always wants him.
...her hair is getting longer, yay! not quite sure what color it will end up being yet.
...she is really hard at church because she is so wiggly.
...she knows she is cute and can't stand when she doesn't get the attention she deserves.
...she loves drinking water out of a sippy and a cup when I give her the chance.
...she no longer drinks a bottle. she drinks her milk from a sippy great!
...she still eats some baby food because she was low in iron at her 9 month appt. So I buy the baby food that is high in iron or I mix any other baby food with oatmeal to make sure she is getting more than enough iron everyday to get her levels up.
...she will still let me spoon feed her.
...she signs: doggy, eat, milk, more, all done, she is starting to figure out please,
...she waves bye bye and hi. And will say "Hi!"
...She babbles alot and it is so cute.
...she loves to dance when she hears music or singing.
...her favorite foods are still mandarins and cheese. and the Graduates Lil' Crunchies.
...she still continues to be a happy, "go with the flow", content baby.


Dan and Ang said...

Oh my word, she is too cute!!

Leisha Mareth said...

She is stunning. Beautiful photos!