Wednesday, March 10, 2010

TEN for February

01. Mac let me use the vacuum without a total meltdown. I just put him on the couch and started the vacuum the furthest away from him and by the time I actually got to the couch he had calmed down.

02. Mac got to go the the Annual Grandma & Grandpa W. Valentine party this year. He LOVED it! And all the Mom's and Dad's went out to dinner together at PF Changs. When we came to pick him up he didn't want to come home. I love the Hubs's parents do this every year.

03. One day I wanted to make a tortilla soup in the crock pot and I looked up a couple of recipes and couldn't find one that I had everything for. So I just pulled a whole bunch of stuff out of my pantry and fridge that I thought would work and threw it in the crock pot. I also ended up cooking some rice to put at the bottom of the bowl and made some tortilla chips with some left over tortillas. It was YUMMY!

04. We went grocery shopping and when we came out of the store our tire was flat and it was pouring down rain. Thankfully Hubs was there and he had the spare on the car in no time. I tried to help him but he just wanted to get it done. A couple of days later I took the tire to Walmart to get it fixed and the patched the tire for just $10. But on the way out to go home Mac threw the biggest tantrum. (You can read about that in the last Things Mac.)

05. One morning Mac and I were sitting in the comfy chair reading a book. We finished our books and needed more so I held Mac and got up from the chair, but when I did I stepped on a toy and fell to my knees (thankfully). Mac didn't get hurt, but I ended up getting a bad rugburn on both of my knees through my pants, and I had also pulled a little muscle in my foot when my foot twisted from stepping on the toy. I was just so thanful that it wasn't worse.

06. We started Foster Care classes to get our Adoption education hours and also because we are thinking of maybe doing infant foster care. Anyway, it is every Tuesday night from 6pm to 9pm. YEP, three hours long, but even though they are long we have learned ALOT from them. Thankfuly Hubs's Mom has been willing to come to our house and watch Mac from 5 to 9:30 those days. She has been a huge help.

07. One Saturday night we decided to rent a movie (Night at the Museum 2) and have a pizza picnic in the family room while watching the movie. It was a fun little family activity that I think we will try again soon.

08. We went down to the courthouse and were able to get our fingerprints done for our adoption application. It was actually pretty cool to do because they do it all electronically now. The guy probably thought I was a total weirdo because I was asking him a million questions about how it all works and what makes good finger prints, but it was just so interesting.

09. We had lots of nice weather and we did things like hike Silver Falls, went on a bike ride, lots of walks, and just spent alot of time outside.

10. Mac started getting his two year molars and boy does that make him a sad boy. He also switched to chewable flouride.

1 comment:

E and J said...

Good luck with everything you're doing. I've loved being a foster parent, but I wouldn't be able to do it without KNOWING it's what Jason and I should be doing. It's hard, especially with these little babies. Giving them back when you know the life they have had, and can have with your family is a trial of faith.