Monday, March 8, 2010

for the curious...

I wanted to update on where we are at in this whole adoption adventure #2!
Well even though we actually called to start our paperwork back in October we only really got busy on doing the major portion of the paperwork the begining of the year.
As of this past week we are over the big hump which is the Homestudy and have paid our $1000 application fee. And we are expected to be APPROVED the end of April as long as our background checks and fingerprints come back by then.

Here is a little insight on what we have had to do so far:
*Had to have our Branch President send in a reference
*Had to have four people/couples that know us well enough to send in personal references
*Provide financial information
*Personal backgrounds for each of us
*Sibling and family background for each of us
*Each had to answer about 45 personal essay questions.
*Child preferences (what we are looking for in a baby, which kindof sounds like shopping for a baby)
*Answer questions on what we are or are not ok with regarding the health of baby and each birthparent (really hard to do).
*Answer about 15 random "Getting to Know You" questions for online profile.
*Provide about 25 pictures with descriptions for online profile.
*Physicals for both Hubs and I (we actually both had already done this in the last six months).
*Provide a Medical Report for Hubs and I.
*Provide a Health Record for Mac.
*Two copies of finger prints.
*Background checks for both of us for Oregon and Montana (Montana's had to be Notorized).
*Copies of Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificate, Sealing Certificate, Drivers license, Health Insurance Card.
*Employment Verification
*10 Adoption Education hours
*Clean every inch of our house furiously for...
*Adoption Homestudy which consists of having about 25 safety requiremtents checked off by our Caseworker.
*A 30-60 minute personal interview with our Caseworker with alot of personal questions having to do with our marriage and relationship and how we deal with infertility and stress.
*Pay $1000.00 adoption fee.
*Making sure we have enough money in our savings to pay for our final adoption fee
*There may have been more that I missed.

What we still need to do:
*Write a letter to Birthparents
*A write up on 7 specific topics from our Adoption Education.
*Provide a copy of our Income Tax Return for last year.
*Wait for our Background checks and fingerprints to come back.
*And maybe have another meeting with our Caseworker.
*Also seems like something else but I can't remember.


And to answer a questions that I have been asked alot:

Q: "Is the process easier this time since you have done this once before?"
A: NO! In fact it has been much harder. Having already adopted once does not make a difference what so ever. Also there are way more State Laws and requirements then there was the first time.

Q: "How did our Homestudy go?"
A: It went very well, and we met our new Caseworker and we really like him. I felt that he was really sensitive to our situation and our needs. He is kindof quiet and new to Oregon Laws and he only started at the Oregon office the 1st of March so he is trying to get settled in.
Preparing for the Homestudy was a bit stressful and we scheduled it very last minute so I felt like I was so rushing to get everything in order with NO help from Hubs because he is gone most of the day with work and church meetings. I was literally still vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning counters and getting myself dressed in the last 15 minutes before our Caseworker was to show up.

Q: "Will you be making "Pass-Along" Cards and if so can you send some to me?"
A: First off, for those who don't know what "Pass-Along" cards are...they are a small "buisness" card that says the we are Hoping to Adopt and has our contact information on it. It is for people to pass around to get the word out and to hopefully end up in the hands of our future birthparents.
And the actual answer is YES we will most likely be having some made. And when we do, they will be sent out to all of those we have an address for. So send those addresses my way via email (which the link to my email is on the left side of my blog).


Sarah Anderson said...

After reading your list I’m not sure which is more exhausting – fertility treatments or adoption paperwork. I guess with fertility treatments you get the added bonus of hormonal mood swings. I hope and pray that your son or daughter makes their way to you very soon!

Dan and Ang said...

Oh I am so excited for you guys! I loved the update on your process. What a lucky little one that gets to join your family!

Sean, Jen, Carson and Addie said...

It makes me tired just thinking about you going through it. I'm glad we don't have to think about it again for a little bit.

Yesterday, I brought Addison to church for the first time. An older woman I don't really know said, "You look so skinny for having such a young baby". So I said, "Thank you, but we adopted". Her response??? "Oh. You went the easy way". AAAAHHHH!! I know I shouldn't want to punch old people but I really had to hold back!

How could any of what you just listed on your post be easy?! And you didn't even list all the little things and the emotional aspect.

I'll be thinking of you and cheering you on while you prepare for your baby to arrive!

Desiree said...

That does NOT sound easy in any way! I've been thinking about you guys and your adoption process, hoping for you to find your new little one. Thanks for the update, I didn't realize just how much you had to do.

Jenni said...

Wow, what a lot of work!!! We will be praying for you. We sure love your little family. You are great examples to us.

Ashley said...

we called the 'preference sheet' our "Baby Order Form." Someday we'll have to actually meet IRL and Mike will have to give you his "Baby Tech Support" bit. It's a riot.

I felt like a total heel doing the "order form." The baby checklist was the hardest. Especially the racial preferences. We got around it by telling our caseworker "If it's our kid, call us regardless of the racial background."

So excited for you guys! It's the adoption "TWW" and I'm dying to know when you're paper pregnant!!! Congratulations!!!!

Emily said...

Wow that sounds completely overwhelming. My SIL just did all of that and I think they are finally to the "waiting" process. I hope for their sake it's not too long. And I hope the same for you guys. I want that little Mac to have a little brother or sister RIGHT NOW!!!

I wanted so bad to get with you and Brynne while I was home. I ended up being a lot busier than I anticipated...I did Colleen's shower and then we had more family come to town. Anyway, I was sad I didn't get to see you guys. I really want to see your new house!

This is really long, but just wanted to let you know that we're thinking about you! Good luck!! Love you so much!

Ron and Jessica said...

yeah I've been thinking about making a post like this too. maybe soon :)

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

Very interesting . . . :) I was going to do a similar post this time around, too. I think it helps to let everyone know that we don't just sign up and that is the extent of it. I am sure my family doesn't even know all that it entails. So excited for you guys Brenley!

Danielle said...

Man, what a process I didn't realize there was that much that needed to be done. You both are such loving parents this next baby is going to be lucky to be yours. :)

Swanson Family said...

Holy cow. I knew the process was involved...but wow. Best of luck to you guys - you deserve it! Hopefully you won't have to wait long at all.

Michelle said...

Wow Brenley, I had no idea how involved. I too was overwelmed by just reading what you have to do. You guys are wonderful people and wonderful parents. I am praying that all will go well and fast.

Heather said...

Wow when you right it out like that it just sounds like too much! I can't think of everything, instead I just take it a little piece at a time otherwise it just seems like too much. It is so crazy to see it all written out like that.