Sunday, April 26, 2009

Things Mac ~ 16 months

McCoy~16 months

  • He is still a great talker. He LOVES to talk.
  • He knows what sounds the letters A, B, C, D, M, W and sometimes S make, when asked.
  • He is starting to put two words together: "no bampa", "hi car-car"
  • He can tell if you give him a book upside down and will turn right side up on his own.
  • He did awesome on our plane rides last week. Slept the entire time on the way to Spokane and was such a good boy, and awake on the way home.
  • He knows when we are home, and when we pull in the drive way will look at me and say "home",
  • He has figured out what keys are for, he loves to put them up to the door handle.
  • It seems that he is getting to be a pickier eater than ever. And of course his favorite things have milk in them.
  • When he gets up in the morning he is usually grouchy until he gets a full sippy of milk and a bowl of instant oatmeal.
  • Last night when we were having our cuddle time right before bed, he was so tired that he ended up falling asleep in my arms. WOW! LOVED it!
  • Next week we will get to visit C. And we are so excited! I can't wait for her to see how he is grown!
  • He fell down the stairs (only two steps) at my friends house and fell right on his forehead on the tile floor.
  • He is now at the stage of continuous bruises on his forehead. He has had at least two on his head at a time for a couple of weeks now.
  • He is getting his 14th and 15th tooth, both canines, one on top and the other on bottom (he already has one canine on the bottom). After he gets his last one he will be done until his two year molars come in.
  • He is doing much better at playing in nursery (just for play time). Only 7 more weeks until he can go in full time. I am thinking it will be a pretty smooth transition.
  • He can tell the difference between a car and a truck. He still says "k-k" for truck and he says "ca" for car.
  • today when I told him to sit down on his chair, he said "bum-bum". Daddy always tells him to sit on his bum-bum.
That's our boy, growing up so fast, and so smart!
He is our life!


Our Pratt Pack said...

Ok so I don't know if I've told you this one yet but Arnica gel is a must have with toddlers, it's takes bruises away and can prevent them from coming if put on quick enough we have a tube upstairs, downstairs in the car and in the diaper bag, it also takes away goose eggs. If you have a hard time finding it let me know I can ask Mom she bought some when KaLeah broke her nose.

Jill said...

McCoy is so cute!! I saw your Mom last night at the Temple when I went with out Youth, got to help her out in the Baptistry. It was great talking to her & hearing more about McCoy. Have a great time on your trip to Utah!!!