Monday, April 13, 2009

going on vacation...

I haven't felt like blogging much...hence the lack of blog posts lately.

But I wanted to quickly get down some of the things we have done in the last week or so.

I will be gone alot the next couple of weeks, so I will be blogging even less than I have the last month. But when I get back I will for sure be sharing about all the trips we have taken.

Last weekend, General Conference weekend we spent at my parents house. The weather was so nice and warm. Did alot of rides in my dad's 31 Model A Ford. Spent alot of time out side, and watched as much conference as we could. Took some pictures but will share later.

Got to meet our new new adorable nephew, hopefully I will get the chance to take some newborn shots of him soon.

Spent the day in shorts and outside last Monday. Found a beautiful park full of Blossoming Magnolia trees.
Mac and I invited a friend to go to the coast with us for the day. I thought the weather would be much nicer, and I was wrong. So the coast was basically a bust. But I do get a "Mother of The Year" Award for letting Mac fall down in the cold ocean water. Thankfully I was fully prepared for anything and had a change of clothes for him and the trusty baby powder to get all the sand off. The highlight was getting to talk alot with my friend Angie. Her and her husband will be approved to adopt very soon. I am so excited for them.
Wednesday, my niece Brenna flew into town. So I went and spent Thursday and Friday at my parents house to hang with her. She then came down and stayed the night with us on Friday night and spent the day with us on Saturday.
We watched two movies, Seven Pounds and Marley and Me. Loved them both!
Tried to get to an Easter egg hunt on time, but no luck. But did meet up with my friend Brynne and Mac enjoyed running around with Brenna chasing him.
We have been house hunting and Saturday went and looked at some Hayden Homes. Very beautiful!
Mac got a cute dog from Build-A-Bear from his Grandma Cammy.
Easter Sunday was a little chaotic and mostly not so fun. Spent most of the day without Hubs because of his meetings, so we never got a family picture. Mac looked pretty handsome in the outfit that his cousin Brenna got him. Mac was awful at church! And only did well through most of Sacrament meeting because I brought the bribe food: oreos and goldfish! Hubs split the back of his pants at church and had to run home and change (he is going to kill me for posting that). Not a big deal since the suit pants were at least 5 years old. I had a migraine by the end of church. We went home and waited for Hubs to finish his duties at church. Then headed to my parents house for dinner and to say goodbye to Brenna.
Mac took the Sacrament for the first time yesterday.
Mac has been way more cuddly and loving the last two weeks or so. I am loving it. After our bedtime routine Hubs would usually put him in his crib after I gave Mac kisses. Now Mac wants me to hold him and cuddle him before he goes down at night. I love it. He will put his head down on my shoulder and just lay there. This is unheard of from Mac. He has also at times sat on our lap and cuddled for five or more minutes at a time.
This week (the 14th) Hubs and I will be celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary! Busy season ends for Hubs on the 15th and then next day we will leave Mac (for the very first time) with my parents and go to the coast for a couple of days.
Next Monday Mac and I will be flying to Spokane to visit my friend for five days.
The beginning of May we will be driving to Utah with my parents to visit my brothers. They have never met Mac. We are also hoping to meet up with C, Mac's birthmother. We haven't seen her since last August. I am so excited to see her and for her to see how big Mac is getting.
As soon as we get back from Utah, Hubs's brother will be going through the Temple for the first time. He is getting married in June.

1 comment:

Matt and Christy said...

I'm glad that McCoy is cudddling a little bit for you. Elijah has never been a big cuddler, and I love to cuddle babies! I hope that you have fun traveling!