Saturday, April 4, 2009

March Happenings...

-we have been doing family home evening every Monday. it only last about 30 seconds and it is usually just showing Mac a picture of Jesus and telling about the picture. Mac recognized Jesus and any Temple and can say both and point to them when he sees them.

-work for Hubs has actually slowed down sooner then the actual end of busy season. so he has been working normal hours this last week and he won't be working on Saturdays anymore.

-got invited to see a movie with friends from church. saw bride wars, and actually liked it.

-saw a friend from high school that i haven't seen in probably 7 or 8 years. it was really great to see him, and do a quick catch-up. (i wish i hadn't been in such a hurry so that we could have talked longer).

-i turned 30 years old. i still don't really believe it. my parents happily watched Mac on the Saturday before my birthday and Hubs took me to see Twilight and to PF Changs. Sorry, but I didn't like the movie, either did Hubs. we both thought it was corny and the actors were awful. I ended the date with a massive migraine.

-Mac was pretty good at church the last two Sundays. we have sacrament meeting in the third hour, which is hard on Mac, but with lots of snacks we can usually make it through. at one point Mac caught sight of Hubs sitting on the stand and started laughing. he kept on doing all the way through the meeting. he would say "dada" and then just start cracking up.

-Mac can now climb on his little chairs without wanting to climb up on the table all the time. when he climb up on the chair he usually ends up on his knees and then has figured out how to get his legs out so that he is sitting on his bum. when he ends up on his feet, he is having a harder time figuring out how to get to his bum. it is very cute to watch, he is just growing up so fast.

-Hubs got to take Mac and visit one of his good buddies from high school, while I was at the movie. Hubs really enjoyed visiting and showing off mac.

-we have been looking at houses a little. we are really hoping to buy a house by the end of summer.

-I have bought tickets to go see my friend in Spokane. I am really excited to see her and her family. But not excited about flying with Mac who is not a lap sitter and hates being confined in any way. So we will see how that goes.

-i have really felt like I need to build up our food storage lately. So I have been trying to buy a few jugs of water and a case of canned food a couple of times a month. I am also going to make a list of stuff for a couple of 72 hours kits and start getting a few things every week.


1 comment:

The Wright Family said...

Parker and I just got back from California. My suggestion for the plane is to ask when you check in if the plane is full, if not, take the car seat. He may do much better for part of the time in the car seat. Parker isn't a lap sitter either. Inside my carry on I had a smaller bag of toys, books, snacks, and a sippy cup. Have fun with the Farrs!