(15 1/2 months old)
-Mac had pasta and sauce one day this week for dinner. he was totally chowing down on it. i asked him "Is that good stuff?" He thought I said "soft" so he started rubbing his slimy hands on his head saying "sof". he had to have a bath after that.
-yesterday, my parents were in town. Mac has a serious obsession with my dad. he asks for "bumpa" at least ten times a day. Mac was so excited when grandma and grandpa got here. we went out to lunch and my dad sat in the back with Mac and Mac would put his hand on my dads arm and pat it and say "bampa" over and over. seriously precious!
-Mac had pasta and sauce one day this week for dinner. he was totally chowing down on it. i asked him "Is that good stuff?" He thought I said "soft" so he started rubbing his slimy hands on his head saying "sof". he had to have a bath after that.
-I had just cleaned up the mess in the family room and picked up the blanket that is usually on the floor that Mac lays on or sits on or we get him dressed on. I put the blanket on our blanket basket. Not long after that Mac was wanting some milk. I told him to go lay down and I would bring him some milk. He usually just goes and lays down on his blanket. But he obviously noticed his blanket wasnt on the floor so he went over to the blanket basket and grabbed his blanket and dragged it across the floor and layed down on it waiting for me to bring him some milk. I was a little taken back it.
-He picked up a bag that was laying around and put it over his shoulder (like you would a purse) and started walking to the door. He then looked over at us and waved and said "goodbye". We were cracking up obviously!
-(picture above) Mac is obsessed with any vehicle and as I have said before with his Grandpa M. My dad sat down to look at his latest issue of Hemmings magazine. Mac was sitting there reading it to Grandpa and pointing to every car and jabbering away. It was too adorable.
-(picture below) we don't make a habit of letting Mac play with hammers, but Grandpa was fixing the garbage disposal and Mac wanted to help.
-when we are now at my parents house, Mac constantly hangs around the door that goes out to the garage and says "bampa, k-k (truck)". He is a little obsessed with my dads 31 Model A Ford. And my dad usually humors him and takes him out to play in the old Ford.
-he now can fold his arms perfectly when we tell him we are going to say prayer. He also know exactly when to say "amen" at the end of prayer. I am pretty sure he knows what prayers are compared to normal talking because in church alot he will say amen over and over in the middle of someone saying the prayer.
-he also says "num-num" when ever he like some food. he was watching me take banana bread out of the oven and he looked at it and said "num-num" over and over again. He got upset when I wouldn't give him some right away.
Okay the bag on the shoulder thing is pretty dang funny! I love when kids mimic adult stuff, it's too cute.
So cute. I love it when they start communicating things in their own way. Isn't it crazy how they TOTALLY know what's going on, even if we can't fully understand them?
The collages....I used to do them in Photoshop and it took FOREVER, so I still do my editing in Photoshop, but I do the collages in Picasa. Have you ever used that? Google makes it and it's free. Super easy to use and you just pick the pictures you want in the collage and it does it for you. You can shuffle the pictures around, write on it, etc. It's sooo much faster. Good luck! Also, you pictures look awesome...as always. I love the one of McCoy with your Dad.
I love that he is playing with a hammer...he is such a boy!
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