Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm baaaaack!

Well I think my sanity got all nice and thawed out yesterday in the 47 degree weather! Loved it! Kindof a short vacation but it helped! I still ended up looking at most of your blogs a few times still. I just didnt worry about leaving comments or posting myself.
So here is what we have been up to, or mostly me I guess...

---I chopped my hair! I am loving it short again, but it isnt exactly how I would like it. So hopefully soon I can get to Great Falls and have "C" fix it for me and maybe even color it so that I am not so gray. When I went to got it cut (at some local salon here in Helena) the girl cutting my hair kept on commenting on my gray hair, I couldn't believe it. She asked me "if the texture of my hair has changed because of all my gray hair." Then I had shown her pictures of me with my last hair cut and she commented on how much darker my hair was in the picture (which is just what happens with my hair in pictures) and then she said "oh it must be the gray hair that is making it look lighter now." OK..OK..I have alot of gray hair for not being quite 30 years old! But give me a break lady!

---Two super nice ladies (Bishop's wife and good friend) from our Ward threw me a baby shower this week. It was alot of fun and Mac loved all of the attention. He just got passed from one lady to another without a single peep from him. By the time the shower was over and he got passed back to me it had been nearly 5 hours since he had eatin last and as soon as I picked him up I think he realized that he was hungry and only got reminded of that because he knew I was the one who feeds him, and he started crying! I got alot of great clothes that range from 6-18 months. A couple packages of Huggies and a super cute Sit-to-stand Learning Walker. Everyone was so generous!

---I finally got some Thank You cards mailed. I ran out of cards so I didnt get them all mailed out. I ordered some cute picture thank you's from WalMart for the shower and I ordered extra to help finish up the rest of my other thank yous from all the packages we have gotten in the mail. The only think I was totally bummed about that I didnt realize was that I think I used the same picture that I used for his birth announcments so some of you will see the same picture twice in the mail.

---Speaking of Birth Announcements...I finally got my idea and it only took about 15 minutes to come up with. Now the hard part is getting them all put together. They are about half way done I am just waiting for my pictures to come into WalMart and I have to cut a few more things and then tie alot of ribbons. I even have addressed all the envelopes. I am hoping to get them mailed out by this coming weekend. After I mail them out I will post a picture of them.

---After Mac not taking any good naps all weekend, he is at the moment working on a 2 hour nap already. YAHOO!!

---We had our YW New Beginnings last night and it turned out so good, but I am glad that it is over with!

---I was trying to come up with something for Hubs, but poor guy is just doing the same thing he is always doing. Get up go teach Seminary, go to work, come home and help me, eat , study his lesson and back to bed. I think he really does need a vacation!

---I am tired of the spell check not working on here, but glad to know that it is blogger and not just me!


FarrEver Family said...

I am so glad you are back. I wouldn't have commented so harshly if I had known it would only be a few days. I love and miss you very much! Call soon--at your pace! Any travel plans to Oregon yet?

Shauna said...

Welcome back. It's good to see that things are going well for you and your little family. It's always fun to see pictures of McCoy, and his cuteness. Are we going to see any photos of this new hairdo?

Marc and Megan said...

It's amazing what a little warm weather will do! We've had three days of weather in the 70s and I feel like a completely new person! Love, love, love warm weather.

And, can't wait to see the new hair cut! :)

Amanda said...

Baby showers are the best! I don't think I had to buy diapers until Sweet Cheeks was about 9 months old. It was great. We too are having some great weather and and am a lot happier!

Emily said...

All those pictures are so super cute! He really is getting older and so adorable! I'm glad that was a short vacation, you just need to be blogging.

Your baby shower sounds fun...that's so nice of your ward to do that!

You need to post pictures of your new hair do!

Julee and Matt said...

I am glad you are back! I can't wait to see pictures of your hair, I love you with short hair. And rememeber it's don't worry about the gray comment. :) I can't belive how cute your little man is...I just want to play with him!

Lawther family said...

OK McCoy wins cutest baby award! you are right his eyes are amazing! Glad to see the warm weather chased the funk away. :)
Hope you enjoyed the baby shower. I love showeres... but always feel a little weird when I am the reciever.

Michelle D said...

Welcome back! :-D
Thanks for the comment on our blog. Its a lot of fun to "meet" other adoptive parents isn't it!?! Feel free to post our blog link on yours...You don't mind if I do the same on mine do you?
Little boys are so much fun! What a darling family you have!

Gaerte Family said...

Glad you are back. You can tell that lady that gray hair is maturity and wisdom. I happen to like mine. (not really) Wuv!!

Matt and Christy said...

I'm glad that you recovered from your "funk." There have been several times since I had Elijah that I have felt the same way. I love every minute of being a mother, but it can be overwhelming, especially in the winter. I try to keep my sanity by taking a little bit of time every day to do something relaxing for myself. I also try to prioritize my responsibilities so that I do not get upset at myself for not getting around to a non-vital chore.
I am sorry to hear about Bryce and his busy schedule. Matt did the same thing last year- seminary, school, and work. Elijah and I could only count on seeing him for a couple of hours on Tuesday mornings. It was difficult, but it made us appreciate each other more. Hang in there!

Our Pratt Pack said...

That wasn't a very long break... I can't believe that girl kept talking about your gray hair how annoying.

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Glad you're back, although your "big blogging break" was shorter than how long I take in between posts all the time! Guess I'm on breaks a lot! Glad you had a fun baby shower - you deserve it! And I want to see a picture of your hair too. And for what it's worth, I didn't know you had any gray hair, so it couldn't be that bad!