Sunday, August 26, 2007

Why I am excited to have a BOY...

This is Hubs...

...this is my favorite picture of Hubs as a little boy, mostly because of the story that goes with it. Doesn't he look like such a good boy in this picture? Well Hubs's mom took this picture and a few minutes after this picture was taken, Hubs got the hose and sprayed his mom down and wouldn't let her into the house. Funny huh?
A few things I am excited about having a boy...
(not in any particular order.)
1. Hubs can take him on the "father&sons" camp out.
2. Someday I will have another priesthood holder in my home.
3. I love how little boys get all dirty and rough when they play.
4. I get to teach him how to respect and treat women.
5. I get to send my son on a mission.
6. I wont have to spend as much time on doing his hair before we go anywhere.
7. My son will probably always look GQ, I am super picky about baby/kids clothes.
8. The cousins he will be closest to in age are all boys.
9. Hubs will have a fishing buddy.
10. Watching him imitate his dad.


Emily said...

Oh that is so funny about the story about Bryce! Yes, we LOVE boys! They are the best! I am totally with you on the hair will be sad if I have girls because they will never have their hair done...I don't know how!

rose said...

yup. boys are the best. no hormones. i got your email, and i'll write you back tomorrow. love you!

Lizzie said...

That picture of Bryce is soooo cute. And that story... I love it. I'm so excited you're being blessed with a boy too. They are a blast.

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

You are going to be the best mom to this little guy! I love how excited you are! And yes, boys rock!

Emily said...

Okay, I vote for Mac every time I get on your that okay?

Julee and Matt said...

How funny! I have heard that story watch out, it will happen to you before you know it. So excited you guys are getting a little boy...even though I think I'm the only one with girls. They are super fun too!

FarrEver Family said...

I like reason number 7. I find it a big boost to my ego that I can help provide the "GQ" look you will be going for. Although, I don't know if the word always should be in there, according to your other reasons, boys get rough and dirty when they play, and at Fathers & son's, neither the son nor the dad ever comes home looking that "GQ." But I admire the desire. Love you Lots!!!

The Kunz Family said...

I am exited that you are experiencing the journey through adoption. I pray that everything continues to go well for you. Just think, in a few short months you'll be holding your sweet baby boy.