Monday, August 13, 2007


In exactly 4 months from today our little guy is due to come into this world. Some days I feel like that is not enough time to prepare, and the next day it feels like it is forever away. This entire weekend it has felt like way too long of a wait. After waiting 6 years for this to come, you think I could manage 4 more months.

On a more exciting note...

We are meeting with our birthmother this weekend, and I am really excited for Hubs to get the chance to meet her. I met with her about a week and a half ago, and she is such a sweet girl, and we got along really well. I am hoping to get a picture of us with her so that I can show you all.


Laura & Geb said...

I can't wait to hear about your meeting with her. You are all so blessed to have found each other!

Emily said...

That picture is perfect! Oh Brenley, it will fly by and he will be here before you know it!

Our Pratt Pack said...

I agree with Emily he'll be here before you know it and then talk about time flying by they grow up way too fast!

Julee and Matt said...

We are so excited for you! Time will go so fast and I can't wait to hear more. This is just the greatest thing ever! Love ya!

P.S. What do you think you will be calling this little guy?

FarrEver Family said...

Cool Pic Bren! You have this way about putting things in words. Some people are just really good at getting things by putting them...on the computer. I miss you. Haven't talked in awhile. I saw your parents, they seem good and super excited for you.
Call soon. Thanks for finally commenting on my blog, I wondered where you were for a while.
Love ya, Amy

Meg... said...

You don't know me, I found your blog through some friends blogs, but I wanted to comment anyways. I too had a long wait before my baby came (comes in October) and have found that waiting is the hardest. One thing I've tried to do to make the wait "bareable" is to focus on the things that I want to do before this baby gets here. Places that I want to go with my husband, going to restraunts or plays where we can't take babies, going away for the weekend. Craft projects that I really want to get done like sewing a blessing outfit etc. Anything to keep me busy and I tell myself it's better I do this before he comes.... Fill your life with good things and hopefully the time will just fly by!!! Congratulations!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

I can see how time would go by so slow. One of the most exciting times of your life is about to happen so it makes sense that it's on your mind ALL THE TIME. At the end of my pregnancy, I only had 1 month left to due date (luckily Cade came 2 weeks early!) but cried everyday about how uncomfortable I was and how time was going TOO SLOW! Just hang on there girl. try to get prepared in these next 4 months and enjoy just being with Bryce. Maybe switch gears and focus on some new things like new projects or take up a new hobby but it's completely normal to be so excited awaiting the arrival of your new baby. Enjoy sleeping through the night and getting up and going where you want to go, when you want to go. Go to some movies, cause it doesn't work very well with a little one with you. Hope this helped at all. Love you!

bechtold clan said...

I too found your blog thro friend of friend....congrats on the baby news! I am a birthmom, and know from the other side what its like, and have had friends that adopted so again while havent walked in your shoes exactly- the quest for parenthood is never easy for all. Good Luck and all the best!

Michelle said...

just think...he will be your best Christmas present ever! With him being born so close to Christmas you can use the holiday as an excuse to buy him lots and lots of new baby things! At least that is what I would do. Here is another idea, buy one thing for him everyday you have to wait for him to come. Bryce would like that! Anyway, I am so excited for you guys!!!


Mandee said...

Congratulations! I have been following your quest... hoping that you would get a baby soon! So happy for you! And yes, what a great Christmas present he will be! I also love the quote you shared below! I am going to have to save that one!