Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Random Facts...about me!

1. I dont like ice cream, milk or cake.
2. I am some what of a germ-a-phobe. And because of this I hate using public restrooms, and I avoid them at almost all cost.
3. I am super self conscious when people look at me, because of my knarly teeth and crooked nose, and I still get zits.
4. I have literally weighed the same since highschool up until about my last birthday when I gained 5 lbs for some reason, and it freaks me out although I know that no one can tell.
5. I love shopping clearance racks, especially for baby clothes.
6.I have never lived outside of Oregon until just moving with my husband to Montana.
7. I seriously knew I was going to marry my husband the second I saw him.
8. I have a hard time falling asleep, so I use Tylenol PM alot.

Your IT...Michelle, Julee, Kylene...well if you want to. (Anyone else I know can do it too, I just picked these girls because I thought that they would want to.)

The Rules-Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.-People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.-At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and they should read your blog


kg said...

Well I know why you haven't gained an ounce since high school...#1! Can't believe you don't like those delicious items...you're missing out! This list was fun to read.

Julee and Matt said...

I went to have a nice break during nap time and you tag me! I did mine, so let me know what you think. It was a little hard coming up with things about me. AND by the way, you are beauiful and you have no reason to be self conscious, I still get zits too. So, anyone can check it out...

JTA said...

Thanks Brenley! I loved reading up on you. PS, Where are these knarly teeth and crooked nose??? I have known you since high school and have never once thought those things. AND, i only by baby clothes on sale racks to. They grow out of things to fast to spend 20 bucks on a onesie. Old Navy has the best baby clearence, so does ROSS, TJ Maxx. Shop Away!!!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

I love your list Brenley! But I wish #3 wasn't true....you're beautiful, don't you know?? Oh, and #7 is very sweet.