Thursday, August 2, 2007

Birthday, Carousel, Ice Cream and saying Goodbye (Family Visit, Part 4)

Our Visitors!!
We had to say goodbye to Hubs's parents and the kids Tuesday night. We were really sad to see them leave. I was just about in tears after they left. We had so much fun!!
But before we had to say goodbye...
McKenna turned eight, so we decided to celebrate by going to the Carousel and having ice cream. The kids loved the Carousel, and got to ride it a few times. Then they all picked out blue cotton candy ice cream. Although I don't like ice cream, I tasted it because the kids said that it really tasted like cotton candy, and it did!

The Birthday Girl!!

This picture crack me up, because every time I tried taking it, Hallie would be trying to pose some goofy way. See how she is blurry. I like it because it shows how much fun she is having.
Also...notice what they are sitting on...a fish and frog.

Click on the picture and read the sign. Kinda cute!

Us with Hubs's parents.

Us with the kids.


FarrEver Family said...

Looks like all of this can't be in Helena, if so it doens't seem like such a bad place to live.... if it wasn't a thousand miles away from us. We hope to come see you soon.
Love ya,

Julee and Matt said...

Too much fun, you are making me jealous! Glad they could come and have fun with you. I know they all have been missing you guys. Great pictures! Love ya

Our Pratt Pack said...

What a cool carousel I want to ride a frog! That's funny about the ice cream because our girls picked out cotton candy ice cream when we were waiting for our ride home from VT.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

LOADS OF FUN! Aren't visitors the best? I love when we get them, even if it's only for one day or even a half a day. Family's the best! Oh, and a frog and fish on a carousel? LOVE IT! Is that you in shorts? I haven't seen you in shorts in a long time! But what's with the long sleeves? Thought it was a million degrees there? :)

Emily said...

That looks like such a cool place! I'm sorry...did you say that you don't like ice cream?

Mama B said...

Brynne-Yes I am wearing shorts, I started that last summer when you could actually find really cute long shorts, I havent worn capris or pants in the summer since. Also yes I am wearing a long sleeve shirt, I just grabbed something, and the shirt is really thin so it didnt make me hot, and the temps actually have been down to about 85 to 90.
Emily-yes I am weird, I DO NOT like to eat ice cream! I am not an ice cream craver (well very very rarely). Just look at it this way, more ice cream left for all of those who do love it. heehee!!