Sunday, April 8, 2018

week 14

Easter Sunday at the Stake Center to watch General Conference

We were reading from a family history book about my great grandmother who used to have to go and fill the water buckets at the bottom of a hill. She eventually learned to balance a bucket of water on her head. So the kids thought it would be fun to see how hard it was to balance books on our heads. My mom told us she remembers many times seeing her grandmother balance things on her head. 

They got up one morning and were actually getting along and working together to write stories. It was so sweet so I let them be instead of rushing them into our morning chores. 

The kids love filling out our calendar every month. It has been a great way for them to learn of time and dates. 

building Stonehenge with playdo for our our middle ages history study. 

Started a new unit. 

We finished this read aloud. Although it was really hard to read the kids really enjoyed it and the end was fantastic. We were all sad the book was over. 

The kids had been begging to go to this museum for awhile and Grandma hadn't been there so we did. It's such a great museum. 

A little school work at the library. We have been trying to go once a week. 

We got a new table so we moved some things around. We put the table we had (her old table)downstairs with grandma and brought up the little table she had (our old table) downstairs and brought it upstairs to use as a school table and moved our family room around a bit. I went through all of our books, got rid of some and organized them a bit better. 

Our beautiful new table. It has leaf pull outs on both ends of an addition of a foot and a half on each side. It can get so long. We really love it. 

Our new school room on the other side of our family room. We really love it. 

Does anyone else get really annoyed that kids can't seem to keep blue toothpaste from getting everywhere!?!?! 

Mac made another recipe from his cookbook. These were SO yummy!

Daddy's hair was getting so long and he let Oak play with it. She had so much fun. 

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