Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 17...Post tax season vacation part 2

Dropping the kids off at grandma and grandpa's. The kids' favorite dog Benji.

Cute baby cousin.

Cute cousins having so much fun together.

Hubs was actually not feeling very well at all. He spent most of the time on the couch asleep. However we were able to get out for a little hike and a walk on the beach. 

Meanwhile, the kids had fun with gma and gpa. 

Picking up the kids...

The moment we got home the kids were anxious to do some schoolwork. Weirdos. 

These were taken with my real camera. I forgot to add them to my last post. 

This girl had some saved up money and was able to buy herself these. Obsessed. 

We were home for a couple of days when this boy came down with Strep throat. 

making another yummy dessert from his cookbook. This one was good but very rich. 

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