Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week 5

 It had been awhile since Oak had been out to play with Gloria. I told her she could go out after quiet time and so she made Gloria a hat out of felt. I think Gloria likes it.

  We all just happened to be sitting down reading our own books at the same time. It was such a sweet blessing moment that I needed after a rough week.

 Oak decided that she would make some hats for the babies in the NICU at OHSU.

 I have been trying to do some purging/organizing every day. This was my first day: The junk drawer.

 The kids worked together making this cute little dog.

 The after of the junk drawer. And the great part was finding about $10 in change.

 Our troop was doing a space derby for the first time. Mac had fun making his rocket. The derby needs to be a bit more organized next year, but it was fun. Mac got 2nd in Bears and 2nd overall.

 We found this packed in a box and I got it out for Oak to sleep with. Her birthmom has a matching one that was given to them at the hospital.

 We have been eating so much junk the last two months and I have noticed that all of our brains were just having a hard time so we are trying to make more healthy snacks for us. I can already tell a difference.

 Mac chopping nuts for the granola bars.

 These apple "cookies" were so yummy.

 The kids loved the granola bars.

 granola. This goes fast in my house. It lasts maybe 3 days because my kids eat it as cereal for breakfast and on their million bowls of yogurt during the day.

 It's been awhile since we have gotten an odd egg. This one was way smaller than the rest of the normal size eggs.

 Apparently eating lunch in a laundry basket is fun.

 Grandma and Grandpa made the four hour trek in the snow to come for one of Oak's basketball games. We love how supportive and loving they are.

 Another cleaning/purging mission. This time the spice cabinet.

 So I just got this family history book. And I am so excited. It's about my mom's mom's dad's side of the family who settled in south Africa from a small island at the bottom of england and then eventually came to Salt Lake City. 

Oak decided to go lay day with daddy for a Sunday nap and they were both zonked.

1 comment:

James and Elizabeth said...

I love your purging. Your junk drawer looks wonderful.