Sunday, December 4, 2016

Cleaning and Christmas tree hunting...

It's the season of hot chocolate. And Mac was attempting to read to Oak, but he isn't a great multi tasker. 

I was tired of the clutter around our office area and around our dining room so I got to work filing a years worth of papers and garbage. It took me the whole day, literally, but i love how clean it is now. So worth it. Clutter makes me grumpy. 

Our cleaned office area. We got a new computer recently and the Mister made me a little shelf underneath the desk to house the printers. 

Every time we got to Walmart there are people on the corner needing help. My kids love to give them what ever we have. So we decided we needed to put together blessing bags. The kids love doing this. This year we added little baggies with dog food and dog treats because it seems like they all have a dog with them.

Saturday morning we headed out on an adventure to eat breakfast at a cool restaurant on the other side of the lake called Herriman Springs. There dinner is not very good but there breakfast was SOOOO good. Mac especially loves there giant pancakes that taste like biscuits. The nice lady offered free hot chocolate to the kids since we were the only ones in the restaurant.

Then we went on a Christmas tree hunt. It took us a bit but we finally found it. We lucked out this year with the weather being amazing. 

Sunday 49

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