Sunday, October 23, 2016

eye doctor, outdoof adventures and lots of pumpkins...

Sometimes when I am sitting down with my kids and we are working on school I just get so overwhelmed with gratitude that I have this opportunity to be home with them. Yes, they drive me crazy. But I can't help but think all I would miss from them growing up.

For about a year I have been planning on getting the kids in to get their eyes checked. I didn't have worries just wanted to do a routine check, especially since we have coverage for it. Both kids did great despite the long visit and they hated having their eyes dilated. They both are far sighted with a bit of trouble focusing when things change distance but I guess that is normal eye maturing.

Such a beautiful sunset on my way home. Loved the glow on the lake.

We were doing a science lesson which then I had the idea to do this when talking about symmetry. It was so fun to see what the kids did.

In the tree.

I know I say this a lot but I love the blue skies here.

Her love of bears.

The weather was so nice one afternoon and I had been wanting to take the kids to this museum since it isn't too far from us. It was so cool! And the kids really loved it.
This is Mac.

This is Oak.

There was a super cool bridge that crossed this creek which leads into the Williamson river I think.

We haven't seen many deer this year. But one day this deer was literally right at my moms window looking in. It moved away before I took the picture.

We headed to the one and only tiny two acre pumpkin patch with our homeschool group. The new owners did a great little presentation on their process of planting the pumpkins.

Our pumpkins.

I finally got my wall finished! I love it! I can see it right when I walk into my house and I can see it sitting on the couch. I think it is beautiful. Just don't look too close. I have some major touching up.

We decided to do Train Mountains pumpkin express this year. Thankfully it wasn't raining because it has been raining a lot lately. And this time we got to bring Grandma who says we always do the fun stuff when she is gone. Which is only because she is gone a lot not because we try to do them when she is gone.

They had their little "pumpkin patch" set up so cute!. Oak wanted a little pumpkin and we found this one hanging in a tree. A little bit later she said she wanted a bigger small pumpkin. It was so cute!

Oak has been letting me do her hair in fun ways lately before church. I am loving learning some fun things and her hair has turned out so cute.

My first attempt at Sunday photo.

Sunday 43

1 comment:

James and Elizabeth said...

I love love love your blog. You always make me feel happy. You have a beautiful family and I can't wait to try that hairdo on Grace. I love the hugging pictures of your kids and I love Klamath Lake and the blue skies too. Making me miss home. Thanks for sharing.