Sunday, June 12, 2016

loose teeth, cub scout awards, hair and hikes...

And the weather was so warm that I decided to clean our carpets. Love clean carpets.

One day Mac decided to make as many paper airplanes as possible. 

Out of no where, Mac decided to make me breakfast in bed. YUM!

Oak then decided she would make Mac breakfast. Cute. Oak was excited to use a sharp knife to cut the strawberries. 

Her snaggle teeth! They were totally driving me nuts. So the tooth on the left was really loose and Oak kept playing with it with her tongue and ended up moving the tooth over gradually which made the other tooth loose and she ended up loosing that one first. 

Hanging out with her chicken under the deck. 

We had some friends over for a water balloon fight. We got a package of those quick filling water balloons. Loved it!

Drying off after water balloons and the sprinkler. 

These two boys got there bobcat!

Proud mama and her boy for getting his bobcat. 

We talked Oak into pulling her tooth with a nerf gun. She never could pull the trigger, but she did accidentally pull this one out when she accidentally bumped the string. 

And its out. Remember how I said she pushed the left tooth over. So after she lost the one, her other tooth just sat hanging in the middle of her gaping hole. 

Her cute letter to the tooth fairy.

Playing with magnetic sand. 

One of the dollars Oak got from the tooth fairy was folded like a heart. 

Painting her toe nails. 

At one of Mac's t ball games. It was so windy and cold. 

Mac had been reading, on his own, the bible. He was so excited about some of the scriptures he read and came out to show me them.

A few days after Oak was sick Mac ended up with the fever. 

I got my hair chopped off. I totally regret it and I hate my hair cut. Good thing hair grows back. I think after it grows just a bit more I will go in and get it re cut. 

We went on a hike one saturday.

German pancakes with all the yummy toppings. 

Oak wanted me to straighten her hair one Sunday. It was so long. 

Sunday twenty-four.

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