Sunday, June 19, 2016

hair, campout and breaking down...

This moment made me happy. 

I was cleaning my room and going through the hundreds of drawings my kids have done and found this one by Oak. It is a picture of Jesus. She can be a bit of a monster sometimes but she really has a heart of gold and love Jesus. 

For about two weeks, Mac was really interested in reading his scriptures and found them fascinating. I found him like this several nights.  

We were doing a thorough cleaning of rooms and I asked Mac to clean out under his bed. He came and told me he was all done cleaning out from under his bed. So I checked and this is the pile I made after checking his work. Sorry buddy, pulling two things out from under your bed is not cleaning it. 

I finally broke down and decided to cut Oak's hair shorter than normal. This was the before and also a two days after I had straightened it. 

It doesn't look short but she got at least four inches cut off. It's the perfect length now for her to brush out herself and it doesn't get AS ratty. 

This was after purging all three bedrooms. This was all goodwill plus I had two garbage bags full of garbage that aren't shown. It felt so good. 

This is the back of her hair after it was cut. It definitely is not as curly, but still has a bit of curl. 

Mac had his last t-ball game. 

I was inspired to have Oak start a gratitude journal that we do together everynight before bed to help her with her behavior. I feel like it has helped a ton and we both look forward to it. 

As most siblings these two have a love-hate relationship. They are best buddies when they aren't having trouble getting along.

In true Oak form she found a pile of dirt and rocks to keep her entertained at Mac's last t-ball game. 

Pink boots and overalls. The cutest. 

The Chacos I had for three years broke. My sweet hubby let me splurge and buy new ones. He's the best. And I love my new Chacos. 

Excited to see Oak's little friend (and the little girl I babysit) in her ballet recital.

Oak was like this the whole time for the ballet recital. She loved it. 

Little Miss D after her recital. She did great. 

Leaving our daddy for Father's Day weekend to go to a family camp out. 

The kids did this for half hour and were quiet. 

Made a quick stop at Target to look for a swim suit for Oak and Oak had to find the little Target dog. 

Oak found this huge leaf at the family camp out. 

Of course she is digging in the dirt. Oak: These pants were born to get dirty!"

Total cuteness.


Oak was saying something and Mac went to stop her and put his hand on her mouth and knocked that dangly tooth out! She was a bloody mess. Hence the black and white photo. 

She found the golden Hatchet jr.

Getting to hold my cousins adorable baby. 

Every year my cousin's wife and I get excited for these girls to get to spend time together. This is the first year they actually played together. And we always get a photo of them together. 

Oak found a potato bug that was actually giving birth to little potato bugs. So interesting. 

He is delicious.

My kids always look forward to bingo. 

Oak with my two cousins kids. They are holding up their ages. 6, 5, 4...Oak the giant. 

So interesting story. My van broke down and everything that happened seriously was like best case scenario. I was definitely watched over and blessed and everything fell into place. I left the campout and got about a mile away when my mom texted me that I forgot Oak's coat. I turned around and went back and my serpentine belt literally broke just as I got to the top of the drive way of the campout. I had no stearing but some how was able to get the van to the side of the road at the top of the drive way. I went and got my uncle who knows cars and told him what happened and he knew exactly what happened. He came up to my car and pulled out the broken belt. I was supposed to meet my friend to pick up her boys about an hour away and instead she came and got me. I was able to call our insurance for road side service and was able to get the van towed to our reliable mechanic in Eugene near where my in-laws live. Hubs left right after chuch and drove up from K falls to pick us up. My friend took me to the mechanic where the car was towed. It was sunday so the mechanic was closed. The owner of the shop just happened to be there and I was able to give him the keys instead of my in-laws dropping the keys off in the morning. I only had to pay about $100 to get the van towed for a drive over an hour. And then my friend took my to my in-laws house where she dropped us off and we waited for Hubs and we ended up getting back to k falls about 10pm that night. We planned to take two vehicle up to my in-laws the following weekend because hubs was leaving the lake house early. So the van was already at my in-laws and we only had to drive one vehicle up the next weekend. The van was an easy fix and only cost $125. It all seriously turned out great. So thankful. 

My cute in-laws celebrated their 45th anniversary. 

Sunday twenty-five.

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