Monday, February 29, 2016

Cub scouts, some fun times, and lots of prizes...

Mac finally got all his cub scout gear. He was beyond excited. Grandma got right to work on sewing on his patches. 

Oak trying to finish her embroidery.

We were told the the cub scouts had to make the cake for blue and gold banquet by themselves. Which I think is wonderful. Mac did every inch of it himself. He made a list and shopped for it all by himself. 

We got some choco pudding for Oak to make.

Mixing the batter. 

frosting it. 

She finished!

His idea, his work. We were so proud of him. We later found out that they don't have to do it all on their own. But I loved watching him make it and he was so proud of himself. 

Mac wanted to play Mine Craft. So I had him read a book about George washington and write down facts that he didn't already know about it and for every fact he earned 5 minutes. Then he could build a White House in Mine Craft. 

Oh my goodness! Doesn't he look so grown up and cute!

Him with his cake.  He didn't win because the ballot box was stuffed (cheated) for some of the worst looking cakes. But Mac learned some valuable lessons that night. First about cheating to win isn't really winning, hard work is way more important than winning and unfortunately he learned what it was like to be bullied by another cub scout. Hoping the bullying doesn't continue or I will have to take some action. 

Mac learned how to count by 3's and his Times 3 times table. We played a fun game to practice. 

We started getting stuff to hopefully get some baby chicks soon. 

One day Oak was just extra attached and loving to grandma. She just ran up to her and hugged her and told her she loved her. 

Then on our walk she held her hand the whole time. 

We dragging Mac on a walk. He has always hated going on walks. 

Beautiful warm weather and enjoying every bit of it. 

I gave Oak a little pedicure after her bath one night. She was loving the pampering. 

Friends invited us to the Science Works museum. It is always so fun.

For the first time Mac actually slowed down and enjoyed all the stations instead of running through everything like he has always done. It was fun to see him actually explore and learn. 

Oak made another embroidery. This girl was meant for detail hand work. It makes her happy. 

And Hubs started on turning our old potting shed into a chicken coop. Now we just need to get our chicks. 

Saturday night the boys went to an auction and so the girl went out to eat. 

So Hubs's firm donates to Pheasants Forever so he is invited to go to their annual auction. Kids are invited so he has taken Mac this year and last. Mac loves it. They do door prizes and pretty much every kid gets something. Mac got so much stuff this year. He got a tent, camping chair, cooler, sleeping bag, two fishing tackle boxes, fishing pole, first aid kit and a mess kit and Hubs won a pair of $275 binoculars. It was well worth the late night and the melt downs the next day. 

Daddy was shining his shoes and Oak wanted in on it. 

Sun bathing after church. 

He shaved! He looks so different. I miss his beard but he is handsome either way. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

warm days, snow days and going to the movies...

So behind! Playing catch up!

Oak braided my hair. Even though my hair is long, I have so much hair, braids don't really work well. 

So happy weather is occasionally nice enough now for bike rides. They were racing each other here. 

Brother went to Mine Craft club at the library so I let Oak play on the computer. I usually don't let them because we are there to get books and they get to play games on our iPad at home. 

She got a hold of my phone.

I had a massive headache but had promised to play legos with them. Those two don't mix very well. 

Oak made these cute little butterflies.

I got Oak some new overalls. Her old ones were getting too short and had a hole in the knee. She is so stinking cute in overalls.

After the nice bikeriding days we got more snow. gah! But it melted by the end of the day thankfully.

We went to the pet store and Mac and this lizard were having a face off. 

Mac finally got a hair cut! So handsome with short hair. 

We got these really cool math wrap ups that help teach math facts. So fun!

Mac wanted to make some cookies all by himself. They were perfect for a cold snowy day. 

warm cookies, a read aloud, kids playing. Perfect. 

The kids playing with daddy. 

Grandpa G came to visit for part of a day. We had fun going out to lunch.

I was feeling a need to splurge on a movie with my kids. And I am so glad I did. This was the best movie. And it just had so many wonderful words of wisdom that I kept pulling out my phone to write in my notes. And the way they portrayed adoption was spot on. love it!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday nine...

Sunday eight...