Monday, January 25, 2016

wood, broken dishwasher, birthdays and school...

Oak set up a place in the family room for herself for the day. It was cute. 

Just cute. (Although it is a big pet peeve of mine of them sitting on the back of the couch.)

So we finally got our wood. I was reading to the kids from Farmer Boy and there is a part in it where the dad teaches Almonzo a lesson of the meaning of money. So my kids were excited to get out and earn some money to buy chickens to help our family. It was so great!. 

They stacked this completely by themselves. They loved it!

Practicing signing from the sign language class we take from my sister. 

Our dishwasher broke and this is how the kitchen looked most of the week. Except for maybe worse than this. 

Mac worked so hard on his presentation of foxes. He did it completely by himself and he loved every bit of it. 

No dishwasher led to eating out. 

We have been taking mornings slow. I like it. 

Mac's handwriting is getting really nice and he is getting to be a really good speller. 

Mac gave his presentation to his daddy. It was really cute and he did such a great job at presenting it, especially for never doing anything like it before. 

This is Oak's version. She really wanted to do a presentation but didn't want to put any effort into it really. 

By Thursday I finally got caught up on dishes and had a clean kitchen. YAY!

Made a trip to the library to pick up a book I had on hold. 

Mac started reading Harry Potter. He loves it. But isn't devouring it like I thought he would. 

I put him to work since I was letting him have a birthday party the next day. 

We got the parts we ordered for the dishwasher and the freezer door (which has been broken for a few months). Hubs got them both fixed. He is such a hard worker. 

Daddy made Mac's birthday cake. It turned out really cute. Mac picked the theme knights and dragons. 

The kids had a lot of fun. 

While Mac had his party, daddy took Oak ice skating. She loved it. And they both came home sore. 

Daddy has been growing out his beard and Oak was fixing it up. So funny!

It was grandma's birthday. I love how Mac wrote "Princess Grandma". My mom is a very young 74. 

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