Monday, January 4, 2016

a slow week...

I had a headache pretty much the whole week so we mostly stayed in our pajamas, watched a lot of movies and took naps. Hence the reason there aren't many pictures this week. 

Mac had his eight year old well child check up. He did great and is doing great and has been consistantly 50 percentile for the last few years. 

I found Oak "making" something in the kitchen. She was so excited to have me try her raw oatmeal, oranges, bananas and water. 

Our New Years Eve feast. It was delicious!

We watched the ball drop in NYC at 9pm and the kids were in bed by 9:10. It was awesome!

The kids got a twister game for Christmas. I dared to play with them. And I totally rocked it!. 

On Saturday, Mac got an itch to make cookies. He is old enough to mostly do it by himself. He was nice enough to let Oak help and he was showing her so kindly what to do. 

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