Monday, January 18, 2016

Just some fun...

I had the kids pick out a subject to study about and get info then give a presentation. Mac chose foxes. He loved reading about them and loved the whole project. 

What a cutie!

This doesn't look great by most standards but thought it was really good for me. 

Broke out the play doh during our read-a-loud.

Some days her hair looks more red than other days. 

Mac got this kit from his cousin for Christmas. He loved it!

Mac and daddy got to go with the cub scouts to what is called Snowcapades. It is a day of snow games and fun at the scout camp. They had so much fun.

They got to build a fire. 

Eat a warm lunch.

Go snow shoeing and do lots of sledding on disks.

Our dishwasher broke so I spent alot of time washing dishes by hand. I hate washing dishes!

While the boys were gone, we were stuck at home waiting for some fire wood to be delivered. Oak had been begging to play play doh all week. 

She made a pizza.

We finally were able to leave the house and went to an event at the fairgrounds that we have gone to every year since we moved here. It is called PLAY outdoors. And it is to get kids excited about all the things they can do outdoors. 

She got to shoot a bb gun for the first time. 

And she was a pretty good shott with the sling shot. She would get with in an inch of the can several times. 

It was a fun thing to do with just her and I. 

We have been trying to heat our house with our fireplace because out last months electric bill was astounding. 

A funny sight on a Sunday morning. 

Hubs looks so cute with his church clothes, apron because he made bread and his work clothes from building a fire and a goofy face to make Oak laugh.

1 comment:

James and Elizabeth said...

your posts always make me smile. I hope you get your dishwasher fixed or replaced soon. I feel yeah. Ours went out and for 6 months we did dishes by hand. Not so fun.

I love Oak's hair and you did a great job with the braid.

I think we'll have to pull out the playdough again. Looks like a lot of fun.