Friday, October 18, 2013


Mac thinks that adding the lines to the letters in his name means that he is writing it in Chinese.

Oak funny: Oaklee was not listening and daddy was counting to give her incentive to listen. 
Daddy: what happens when I get to three?
Oak: four!

Me: Your new shoes are awesome.
Mac: Well that is what I always try to be!

Oak held up her quarter and asked her brother, "Is this an eagle?" Brother nods his head. Then Oak says, "Oh, I thought it was a peregrine falcon." What?! I didn't even know she knew what that was. My kids never cease to amaze me!

Oak funny: (this is a generalization, since I wasn't there) Oak was mad at grandpa about something...
Oak: you're not my grandpa!
Grandpa: I will always be your grandpa.
Oak: my dad can fix that!

Me: Oak, I am so lucky to be your Mama.
Oak: Ya, and I am so lucky to be your girl.  

McCoy: "When I grow up and get married, I want to stay home and take care of the kids while my wife goes to work." 
Mom: "Um...okay."

Oaklee has a chronic plumbers crack problem. This morning as she was climbing into her car seat it was in full force so I was fixing it. Then Oak says to me in the most annoyed voice, "Mom, can you just leave my bum alone!" Oh my goodness I love her, plumbers crack and all!

Oak out of the blue...
Oak: Why do dogs have tails?
Me: I don't know, but I don't think all dogs have tails.
Oak: Snowmen don't have tails!

We were in Toys R Us returning something, and as we were walking around the store, I think more as a reminder to himself Mac says, "I DISTINCTLY remember you telling us we couldn't buy anything."

Oak sillies:
--Instead of saying "special delivery" she says "spankdelivery".
--She calls our iTouch "The iPatch". I am thinking a cross between iTouch and iPad.
--No matter how many times I correct her she calls a car seat a "seat-car".

On our way to Taekwondo (so he was wearing his uniform) I had Mac run into the library to return a DVD. He comes out with the biggest grin on his face and says, "Mom, everyone was looking at me and they were thinking "wow he is so cool, I better not mess with him.""

Mac: Can I have a snack?
Me: Sure, would you like some pineapple?
Mac: Yes. When I am done with my pineapple can I have something else?
Me: Sure, like what?
Mac: Like something that ISN'T healthy for me?

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