Thursday, June 27, 2013

June in pictures

Getting ready to go get our family pictures taken.

A treat afterwards for doing so good.

The boys and their treat.


How Oak was writing her E for a bit. She has it down now.

Just me and my boy!

And me and my girl!

Mac made this list all on his own of what he wants to learn about this summer.

I have been eating pastrami sandwiches on homemade bread almost every day for lunch. YUM!

Mac and I went on a date.

Our neighbor let Oak where her necklace. It has been Oaks favorite since she was really little and would always ask our neighbor every time she saw her if she could see it.

Riding the toys at the mall.

Oak got a new helmet.

Our neighbor let Oak try out their kid skates. Oak loved them. 

We went to a church activity on Flag day where we met at the church for a flag ceremony and breakfast. It was so fun and the kids loved it. Oak told everyone she saw that it was Flag Day.

Sitting by the pool with cousin L at our annual family reunion campout.

After this she begged me to get in. So we got her in her suit (I forgot mine) and I let her play on the steps for a long time. She is a little fish and loved it!.

My Uncle was giving every one rides on his golf cart at the reunion. 

We have been trying to get a summer schedule in place and we have been doing workbooks and the kids love it.

On a nature walk finding flowers and bugs to draw in our notebooks.

Babysitting cousin C. He is so stinking cute!

They were getting along so well so I let them trash the family room with their imaginative play. 

Mac loved my brother's dog Abe. 

Oak got this new skirt from grandma and she insisted on wear it with her flag shirt to bed. 

Mac decided he wanted to be in charge of FHE one night so he told he found a few things around the house to talk about related to the Gospel. He did a great job. Our activity was building Temples out of blocks. It was so sweet!

Just a super cute kid making a silly face while wearing his helmet. Love him!

Mac and his friend (our neigbhor) had just gotten owies on the same knee so I had to get a pictue.

Best buds!

Oh I just love this little guy!!


Blair and Leslie said...

Looks like you have been having fun so far this summer. Your kids are so cute. And getting so big!

Desiree said...

I think that is so cool that you had a flag ceremony on Flag day! What a fun FHE too. I love letting my kids do that once in a while. It's fun to see what they come up with.