Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Saturday

We like to spend Saturday doing all the fun Easter celebrating, so we have talked to the Easter Bunny about how important it is to us to spend Sunday focusing on the Savior, and he has been great about bringing our baskets Saturday morning. The kids each got two books and a squirt bottle and a movie to share. 

I think Oak was excited about the candy.

Mac is beyond regular story books, so we got him some chapter books for us to read to him.

Then it was off to our local Easter egg hunt. This was our fourth year going.

Oak really wanted to see the Easter bunny. I promise I didn't force her too. When Oak is a bit scared of something she tends to be intrigued by it too and so she puts on a brave face just so she can check it out.
Right after this, the little local newspaper took a picture of her with the Easter bunny (she had a better smile for it) and took her name down. And will probably be in the newspaper this week.

Mac giving the bunny a high five.

They do the hunts by age groups but had very few eggs for the two year olds. Oak only got two eggs and there weren't that many kids looking for them. She got a few extra from the bunny helpers.

I totally missed Mac looking for eggs, because I couldn't find him and daddy. But he got quite a bit.

I always get a picture of Mac and Daddy in front of the fire truck (the bunny's ride there). This year Oak joined in and Grandma and Grandpa came with us. 
The kids also got free story books.

Later on, we dyed Easter eggs. 

And the rest of the day we played outside and I cleaned the van out and washed it.
Before bed we did the 12 Easter eggs that hold the symbols of Christ's last days (My sister-in-law gave it to us last year). The kids loved it! And then we watched the church video of Christ's last days. 

When we were doing the little egg activity, we were talking to Mac about what it meant when the soldiers mocked Jesus. And Mac wanted to make sure he understood so he acted out with Daddy what the soldiers did. So Mac acted like the soldier and talked to Daddy how he thought they had talked to him. And then he immediately felt bed and was super quick to apologize to Daddy and was really worried he had hurt his feelings. It was really sweet.

1 comment:

Tia Hopper said...

That makes me happy that you got your kids that movie as well. A friend of mine (not LDS) thought it was lame that I wasn't showering them with trinkets and candy like her and my poor kids had to share that movie from the Easter bunny. Because THAT'S what Easter is about!!! I want to do that 12 easter eggs for the kids. Didn't find it until right before Easter and haven't been very productive lately. But hoping to still do it for a family home evening.