Friday, April 19, 2013


I am so late on posting anything about this, but that is life. 
This last Sunday was our twelve year anniversary. TWELVE!!
Unfortunately I was really sick the whole night before and all day on our anniversary. 
Nothing says love like taking care of your sick wife.
It was a miserable night and day!!
But I am so grateful for this man, and grateful for every up and down we have experienced the last twelve years. I love that I have forever with him!
He got me some beautiful earrings (you can kind of see them in the picture) and the day after our anniversary was the last day of tax season so we went to his firms end of season banquet (picture is of us heading out the door for it). I usually dread being at it but love the night out with my hubs and to not have to cook dinner. 
My parents had our kids, so the next day we headed up to Portland to attend the Temple. It had been way too long, like eight months. It was so wonderful to be in the Temple again and with Hubs. Afterwards we went out to eat and then headed to my parents house to pick up our kids. 

Maybe one day we will be able to celebrate our anniversary with a fun, fancy trip. But for now, it was just perfect (except for the being sick part).

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