Friday, August 17, 2012

Things Oak at two!

She had her 2 year check up:
Weight: 32 lbs (95th percentile)
Height: 36 in (95th percentile)
Head: 20 in (off the chart)

She didn't have to get any shots because her appt was one day short of the six month mark in between her needed Hep shot. I will take her in next week to get it real quick.

About Oak...

Some words she has recently added to her vocabulary and uses regularly and correctly and it makes me laugh everytime because she is just too young: "maybe", "though", "forgot"

she is really into changing her clothes constantly. I find several pairs of clean and dirty pants throughout the house each day. She also really loves to put socks on.

She wants to get dressed herself. She knows she can't do it sometimes and whines for help and you try to help her then she freaks out because she wants to do it herself and it goes back and forth until the new clothes item is finally on and she is happy until she wants to change them again.

she is a food stealer and really much rather eat the food on someone elses plate. We have gotten her to eat numerous times by sneaking her food onto our plate and telling her not to eat our food.

she is quite the mess maker in every aspect of her cute little self. If she is eating she either makes a mess on purpose or on accident, if she is playing she dumps out anything she can find to dump out, if she wants to change her clothes everything in her drawers is dumped and there will be discarded clothes throughout the house.

She has quite the temper sometimes and has thrown little fits when she doesn't get her way. We have also started time outs with her.

She is very smart and remembers everything.

She is a very busy girl and does not hold still ever.

She can count to 15.

Her hair is getting longer and I have been having fun doing it in something other than a piggies.

She loves her big brother. Every time he gets done with Taekwondo she runs to him and gives him a big hug and tells him, "I so proud of you!" in the cutest high pitched voice.

She hits, pulls hair, bites and scratches her brother alot!

We hear "I do it!!" alot!

She talks non stop, especially in the car. She hardly ever sleeps in the car, so you are in for it when you take her anywhere in the car. She asks question after question and you have to repeat and acknowledge everything she says or she repeats it. It actually drives me crazy sometimes, but is cute too.

She has started asking "Why?" alot...already. I thought that didn't happen until about three.

She pretty much talks in complete sentences.

She loves to help clean or do chores around the house.

She mimics EVERYTHING her brother does, especially if it is something I would prefer children no do, like potty talk and garbage words.

Filling out the 24 month questioneer from the doctor, I was able to mark that she could do everything on the list.

Some funnies from her lately:

She was at the fridge playing with her Leap Frog magnetic letters. She all of a sudden realized they weren't straight in order ( I put them in alphabetical order to make sure I have them all.) and scattered all over the fridge. She started yelling, "Acoy NO! NO!...all messies! NO! NO! Acoy! All messies!!" Then she went into Mac and starts yelling the same thing to him and then wanders back to the fridge and starts straightening the magnets. Hubs and I were dying laughing and thought it was hilarious that she was blaming Mac for something.

Mac just got home after being gone for two night with Daddy. And Oak was so excited that she kept on licking Mac's head. Mac thought it was hilarious!

As i was telling Oak to not stand on the couch, she looks at me very serious and says, "Mom, it's FINE I stand on the couch!" Umm excuse me?! What a firecracker! ♥

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