Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July in pictures

Some how this month felt very long, but in a good way. We have been so busy and having lots of fun and have had lots of visitors. 
I can't believe summer will be over in a month, sad.
And I can't believe that I haven't posted in three weeks. I am pretty sure that is the longest I have ever gone. I just had to get this posted before the month was over because I have only posted two other times this month. As I said, life has been busy and fun!

Our friend works at our local fire department and the kids wanted to go and see the trucks. They loved it despite the fact that it was raining.

The kids had been playing outside and asked for a Popsicle and I had them sit on the step with our neighbor friend. I thought they looked so cute all three with their helmets on.

Having pool noodle light saber wars. This exhausted them every night for a week and they fell asleep fast after going to bed.

Thought it was so cute how Mac was laying one night when I went to check on him before I went to bed.

And then I had found Oak like this snuggled up to her favorite bear.

Mac had asked if he could gather all the blankets and pillows and jump in them. I was in a good mood to let him. They had so much fun doing this. And then Mac and Oak all by themselves and without any reservation put every single blanket and pillow back where they go.

Nice moves Mac!

My good friend Rose came to visit with her boys. One day we went hiking at my favorite hiking spot, Sweet Creek. 

On the hike we stopped to do a little playing in the water and Mac had so much fun catching Salamanders. 

I have been wanting to be more creative with Oak's hair and I finally figured out how to do this with her hair. It was so cute on her!

Mac with his instructor working on getting a second stripe for his belt.

Mac getting his second stripe for his belt which required him to know names of the moves for his form.

 She went and got the chair herself and started washing the dishes. 

I just was loving her hair and she was being so cute! Love this girl!

Mac even cooperated for a picture. I have adorable kids for sure!!

Mac found Daddy's shaver. He thought he was so cool!

Grandpa showing them his handcuffs from being a police officer.

Mac played for about an hour with the hose in front of his grandparents house. He had a blast! He LOVES water and getting wet. And spraying his sister!

Figuring out how to get a drink...

Mac has been taking swim lessons. He is doing really well and is basically getting private lessons because there are two instructors and two kids. 

We went to visit this really cool furniture store near where my parents live. This big fish was outside and the kids just thought it was so cool.

In the cool furniture store. This was no boring store, it had the coolest stuff and lots of old cars and ponds and the kids had so much fun that we were there for about an hour and it was hard to get the kids to leave.

Cousin time!! We have had cousins visiting from Colorado and they have been having so much fun together. They were eating ice cream on the table and Oak could no be left out and I found her on the table with them.

We also went camping! It was so much fun. I will do a post of its own for that.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

You guys look so happy! Your kids are just adorable. Can't believe how fast they are growing!