Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Part 1 {baskets and egg dying}

I am finally getting Easter pics up. Our computer just about crashed last week, and then to fix it, Hubs wiped it clean. He has been working on getting it restored this last week and I don't have my Photoshop on it yet. Also, all my pictures are washed out because my camera was on some weird setting from Oak pushing buttons on it. So I am not totally happy with the quality of my pics, but at least the moments are captured...

We do the majority of our Easter fun stuff on Saturday. The kids woke up to their Easter baskets. I went pretty cheap this year and went with mostly $1 stuff, a new book and two eggs with one piece of candy. But they loved everything they got!

Oak is obsessed with brushing her teeth and her favorite thing was her new tooth brush.

Mac was excited about his new "I Spy" book.

Totally obsessed!

Then we dyed our eggs. We tried the trick of putting the egg in a whisk to make it easier to dip. Mac thought that was pretty cool.

Oak actually did pretty good at not dunking her hands in the dye.

Every time she would pull an egg out of the dye, she would say, "TA-DA!"

And my favorite picture! She puts her hands on her cheeks alot as she likes to mimic what others are doing. And just as I went to take her picture she made this face. So funny!

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