Thursday, October 14, 2010

Things Oak ~ 2 months old

Weight: 13 lbs 8 oz (94th percentile)
Height: 23 in (55th percentile)

~ She got three shots and one oral vaccine yesterday. Of course she cried and then cried harder with each shot.
~As of a week ago she has been sleeping through the night, usually about 8:30 to 6, although she slept until 7 this morning (but that may be due to the shots yesterday).

~I did notice that when ever she got restless in the night she would start sucking her thumb and put herself back to sleep.

~She is starting to not want to be snuggled to sleep for naps and just wants to be laid down to fall asleep on her own, but still likes it to go to sleep for the night.

~She takes at least one really good 3  hourish nap a day, and it usually coincides with brothers nap which makes me happy.

~She is just a really good baby, and rarely cries unless she is tired, fusses when she has a dirty diaper, and sucks on her hands/fingers when she is hungry.

~She has the most precious smiles. And she smiles with her whole body. 

~She does not like tummy time and does not want to lift her head during it like she needs to be doing at her age. 

~She does hold her head up really well when you sit her up or have her over your shoulder.

~She is a kicker, it is so cute.

~She has just gotten over her second cold.

~After she drinks a bottle she usually wants to go to sleep.

~She is cooing.

~She has never like to be swaddled.

~She loves it when she is tired and I put my hand on the side of her face/cheek. It usually calms her right down.

~She loves being on her changing table. She is usually the  most smiley and happy there. She also loves to look around at all the stuff in her room.

~As soon as she is done with the size one diapers I have, I will be switching to size two.

~She has the cutest rolls on her thighs.

~And the sweetest, chubbiest neck, which I have to constantly make sure is clean and dry so that it doesn't get owies.

~She is a seriously beautiful baby! And she gets compliments from alot of people saying what a beautiful baby she is.

~She may end up with auburn colored hair. And her eyebrows are red.

~She brings complete joy to our family: Our little family, our extended family, and her birthfamily!

I took these pictures on her actualy 2 month birthday. I could not get her to smile for me for anything, I think she was tired because she was a bit fussy. I am going to try to take more today to see if I can get some smiley ones out of her.


Stephanie said...

I'm so happy for your growing family.
Another miracle of adoption... your kiddos have/will have the same coloring ~ that is amazing.

Blair and Leslie said...

She is so cute. Even though she isn't smiling, those pictures are adorable with her chubby cheeks. I am glad that I got to meet her.

Kimi said...

She is beautiful! How did you do it?? I wish Rylan would sleep all night!
Tell me how you did it!!