Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh the faces of Mac...

and some of his feet too!
His hair is so long in these pictures. I really don't like his hair long, because it is a bit frizzy and tends to look really messy, but I do love giving him a little faux hawk. He finally let me cut it today! Last time we tried he completely freaked out although we have been cutting his hair with the clippers for at least a year and a half. I was able to take a sigh of relief when I saw my cute boy with his short hair. Makes this Mama happy!

Oh how I love this little boy! Lately my little guy has really been testing me and this week started off really rough! I finally was able to take a step back and going to make some changes in discipline and see if that helps. I am so thankful for those moments where he is as sweet as can be, and I really relish those moments even more now that he is having a hard time. And the 100 random times in the day when he says "I love you Mommy!" really help too!

Well at one point Mac was mostly potty trained and then he just decided to not be and I was too lazy to stick with it. We gave it a few weeks break and at the beginning of last week I decided to just refuse to put diapers on him (except for nap and night time). And I have stuck to my guns. We have tried to stay home as much as possible and I have cleaned up alot of pee on my carpets and the bathroom floor, and done alot of laundry. But I think it might be ok to say that yesterday Mac finally got it and we are doing good, minus the pooping on the potty part. Yesterday on his own with out any initiation from me at all, he ran to the bathroom to go potty and his underwear was only a tiny bit wet. A few hours later again he went all on his own to the potty and his underwear was completely dry. We then left at 10:30am (with a pull up on) and didn't get home until about 2:30pm and (I only took him potty once while we were gone) when we got home he was dry and went pee on the potty. He even woke up dry from his nap. He has done good all day today except for one pooping accident without peeing in his underwear. So I am pretty excited! And he is too. If he can keep this up for about a week he will get his big prize of his new Thomas the Train movie.

And I just really can't believe that he is going to be 3 in less than two months.


Ron and Jessica said...

Yeah I heard age 3 was worse than 1-2 so you'll have to let me know on that!!! He's definitely a cutie :)

Emily said...

Ugh I still have nightmares about potty training. Sounds like he's getting the hang of it though and that is SO GOOD.

Time flies, because I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. He sure has grown up into a handsome little thing! What is he going to be for halloween?

Desiree said...

I just realized that he gets to be a sunbeam next year, that's so exciting! Or maybe not because that means he's growing up :-) I feel for you with that challenging age. Aric is there too. Now that Aaron is out of it (that challenging age), I've realized how fast it passes and suddenly they are just all grown up.

Jason & Kelli's Family said...

Good luck with potty training! We bribed Zach and after a week of dangling the toy he wanted so badly as encouragement he finally gave in. Now we are working on the not running around naked part. Your family is so very cute!