Sunday, November 8, 2009

ask away!!!

Adoption is a hard concept to understand for most, especially those who have not been involved with it in some way. Actually I still have questions about adoption, which is why it was so wonderful to go to the FSA Adoption Conference this weekend.
So I wanted to give an opportunity to all of my readers to ask away! And over the month I will be answering them for you.
(Feel free to ask anonymously if you would like.)


Allison said...

I so glad you found us!! It's always nice for me to get to know people who go "way back" with Landon. I read through some of your older posts and you have such a beautiful story! McCoy is such a handsome little guy!

Anonymous said...

I've always felt that if I was to adopt I would feel guilty or bad for so badly wanting this baby and loving this baby but in order for me to have the baby I had to take away the opprotunity from someone else. I know that the birthmother has to agree to the adoption but I still wonder if you have ever felt that guilty thought that in order for you to have the baby someome else has to go through so much sadness. I hope this doesn't sound harsh!

bell family said...

okay I know you can answer anonymous' question well. My question is how was meeting mrs. R and what did you learn from the conference that you might be willing to share. (we weren't able to go) Kevin and I wanted to ask you yesterday but just didn't have the right moment.

Jason & Kelli's Family said...

I love that you are being so open. I have found it so very helpful to talk about our adoption experience and also discovered that so many people have things they want to ask but are afraid to because they don't want to be too personal or pry.

Anonymous said...

With an open adoption will it be possible for McCoy to visit his birthmom on his own? Like when he is 15 and he wants to spend part of the summer with his birthmom. Is that a possibility with an open adoption? How would you address that if it came up?