First off I want to make sure you all know that I am fine, it really is nothing to worry about. And I want to thank everyone who was and is concerned about me. I love knowing that there are actually people out there who want to make sure that I am OK and who care about me. I also really didn't mean to make anyone concerned, I just was trying to give a brief explanation so people didn't wonder where the heck I was at, especially since I was totally on a roll with updating.
Let me see if I can kind of explain what I think is going on with me. I had been thinking about this break for a couple of days before I announced it. I hadn't really talked to my husband about it, because honestly I didn't really know where all the emotions were coming from and I didn't know exactly what I was feeling. I did however realize that the emotions I was feeling were actually ballooning when I was blogging, or looking at blogs. So I figured that I needed to take a break to figure out exactly what was going on with me. So I sat down with my awesome, wonderful husband, who always knows exactly what to say to me and help me figure out my thoughts when they are all jumbled up. The first thing he told me is that I can't stop blogging, it is our family journal and how we mostly keep in contact with Mac's Birthmother. I assured him that I would not stop updating "C"s blog. Then he started picking at my brain, and we had a long talk (while Mac was taking a long nap). And then I have had a few days to think about it all and this is what I came up with. I am only hoping that it kind of makes sense, I am not that great at putting my thoughts into words.
Adoption is not a "cure" for infertility! It is a cure for childlessness, and a great one at that! When you adopt your children, you don't leave behind the fact that you still can't have children on your own. To be honest I am actually about 90% OK with never being pregnant and not having biological children. But there is still that 10% that still will jump out and make me miserable, that tugs at my heart every time I hear someone is pregnant, that makes me drown a little in my sorrows. And I think that I have been trying to pretend to myself that I don't really feel like that, that I am holding it all together. Because if I didn't, than I fail, I let Satan win, that I am not excepting the road and plan that Heavenly Father has for me. The fact is that it does hurt sometimes, but that doesn't mean that I don't except my life. I love my life, I love that we are one of the lucky ones that get to experience adoption as a means of growing our family. (Those of you who don't get to experience that, you are REALLY missing out!) But still that doesn't take away the fact that we suffer from infertility, and that infertility is really hard to deal with.
Since Mac came into our lives through adoption, I guess I have put most of my emotions on the back burner. Our goal was to be parents, to raise a family, and we finally had that. So I guess I have been ignoring the initial reason that we had Mac in our arms in the first place. As we decided that we would start the adoption process again, the reality of it all hit at once. The stress and unknown that goes with adoption came to the surface. The frustrations of watching everyone else just think about having a baby and bam, they are pregnant. No having to save fore years just so you have barely enough money to pay for the expenses of adoption. No wondering how long it is going to take for some one to make you a mother or father. No worries that that person might change their mind at the last minute. No worries about how long it will take to get your background check done and to have complete strangers know every detail of your life. No having to fill out answers to a million questions and have your home scrutinized to make sure that you are fit parents. It is all very draining and sometimes a little discouraging.
But the essence of adoption is awesome! And we are really excited to do it again. We are excited to watch our family grow through this miracle. We are excited to watch prayers answered, ours, and those of our birthfamily. We are excited to see what kind of relationship we will have with our child's birthfamily. We are excited to hold our new little one, when ever that may be.
I am not sure if any of that made sense or I explained everything that I am feeling. But it will have to do for now.
November is National Adoption Month and I want to spend the month, when I have the time, devoting my blog to adoption.
I hope to be able to finish Mac's adoption story.
Link you to some awesome articles.
Link you to some awesome people who are waiting to adopt.
Maybe even share a few adoption stories of other adoptive families.