Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"terrible two's"???

I am sure hoping that Mac is just going through his "terrible two's" early! He is really testing my patience lately, and pushing my button's. Although he looks innocent enough in these pictures. Thank goodness, for sanity sake, that he is just a cutie who also melts my heart constantly.

Anyway...he loves sitting on this chair. It was one from a table set that we had growing up.

And a few things Mac...

~my favorite thing he is doing right now is always saying "Mama? Mama?" when he wants to tell me or show me something.

~He is starting to climb on everything and getting really good at handling steps and small drop offs.

~his vocabulary seems to be booming lately too. he is trying bigger words all the time. yesterday as we were watching CARS the movie, he copied Lighting McQueen by saying "OH YEAAAH!" I was cracking up! And he would say it randomly through the rest of the day. Also, after Hubs left the room to go upstairs, and I asked Mac "where's Dada?'" and he said right back at me "where's Dada?" He has also been asking to eat chicken lately which sounds something like "chong-chong".
~He always needs to eat with a fork or spoon. Especially if he sees anyone else using one. There is usually a melt down if he can't feed himself.
~He also popped his last tooth through (before he gets his two year molars). I think that makes 16 teeth, holy cow!
~He loves to sit on our laps now, but usually only at home. But we take and relish what ever we can get.
~He went to all of nursery on Sunday and did pretty well except for the sitting and eating his snack and sitting and paying attention for singing time. He still isn't officially in nursery for two more weeks.
~he on occasion will give hugs, oh how I love it!
~I caught him the other day holding and rocking and kissing the baby doll that he has. It was too adorable. He really loves babies!

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