Monday, June 22, 2009

First Urgent Care Visit!

Mac had his first (of I assume many) visits to Urgent Care. We were at a family reunion last weekend and Mac fell down a concrete step. I didn't see it happen, but when I saw his ear, I completely lost it, and I was hysterical and bawling. We tried to get it cleaned up to see if we needed to take him to Urgent Care, which was more than 30 minutes away. He wouldn't let anyone near him, and just cried with his head on my shoulder. Hubs and my Dad gave him a blessing and we headed to Urgent Care. Once we got there Mac was pretty happy. He didn't get any stitches. The outside part is just scraped pretty bad and the inside is cut, but it is staying closed so they didn't think it needed stitches. They had to have three people hold him down screaming just so they could take a closer look. I stood in the hall bawling. I am really hoping it doesn't get infected, since he really won't let me near it. A week later it looks great, although he will have a little scar.


rose said...

i think maybe you were more traumatized than he was! i'm so glad he's ok though!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

poor mccoy! i'm glad to see him smiling in the later pictures though. and i'd be balling in the hall just like you. so sad!

Penhallegon Family said...

I am so sorry to hear he got hurt and I am glad to hear that he is okay. I think we hurt more inside when we see that they are in pain and it stays with us longer.

Jason & Kelli's Family said...

Mommy's and ER's or Urgent Care are never a good mix. When it is your child, it is so hard. I didn't handle Zach's trip to the ER very well at all. I still cry every time he gets hurt or has a seizure-not at all how I thought I would react. I am glad McCoy is ok and that he didn't need any stitches.