Tuesday, June 2, 2009

house update...

So our house was supposed to be released last Friday but we didn't think that they would have started anything on our actual lot. We decided to just drop by on our way to Hubs's parents house and this is what we found...they started leveling the property! We were pretty excited! There won't be anything else done for a couple more weeks I guess, because they have to get all the permits.

This is actually what the front of our house will look like except that the garage won't be set back because of the four foot extension we asked for.
And our will actually be right behind this one.


Jill said...

How exciting, it is cool they have already started. I know a few people building right now & it is amazing they are all getting done earlier than expected, hope that will be the same for you. Can't wait to see McCoy's new adventures once in your house.

Jenni said...

Wow, a new house! How exciting! And and is it right that you are having it built! That's so exciting!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

I am so excited for you! It's going to be soooo nice to have your very own, beautiful home!