Saturday, May 16, 2009

a day...

at the beach! umm...I mean coast!
We knew the weather was supposed to be nice so we headed to the coast today! And so did everyone else and their dog. It looked like a holiday weekend at the coast today! Hundreds of motorcycles, old classic cars and people everywhere.
It wasn't too cold, but very windy! But it was worth it!
I love making memories like this with my little family!

A rare sighting! A picture of Mac and I! I love it!

Mac loved being in the water! I guess he wasn't too tramatized from me letting him fall in last time.

Another rare sighting...a picture of just me!

Isn't he cute!

Mac got buried by Daddy!


Desiree said...

OH, that makes me want to go to the beach sooooo bad. Looks like it was a fun day. I'm so glad that you still want to do pictures, hopefully we'll be down soon. It's hard to find the time sometimes, especially now that it's getting nicer. The next time we're down may possibly be father's day weekend. I'll let you know for sure.

Oh, and I could totally see the McCoy/musician thing, that is so interesting and cool that you can see that in him.

Emily said...

Those pictures are great! What a fun day. I miss the coast so bad, I don't even remember the last time I got to go. It's rare when the weather is so nice, so you're lucky to have taken advantage of it!

rose said...

finally some pictures of your pretty face! ;)
looks like Mccoy was lovin the sand.