Wednesday, February 25, 2009

what to do while i am 30...

I turn 30 years old next month! I decided I needed to make a list of things to accomplish during the year that I am 30. I made this list pretty quickly, so I may change a few things here and there up until my birthday.

1. buy a house
2. apply to adopt again
3. photograph a newborn
4. go to the Temple once a month (or 12 times)
5. read the Book of Mormon all the way through
6. go on a real vacation
7. take a photography class
8. eat less chocolate
9. read one book a month
10. get my photography business up an running
11. go to the coast more often
12. learn the art of couponing
13. read a book to Mac every day
14. start crafting again
15. make cookies from scratch once a month and take them to someone
16. buy a new lens for my camera
17. save money for adoption
18. continue envelope budgeting (totally works!)
19. have FHE every Monday
20. leave Mac overnight with my parents
21. take Mac to the ZOO
22. visit Utah & Colorado
23. cook one new recipe a month
24. sew something
25. make all Christmas gifts and have them done by December 1st
26. make a quiet book for Mac
27. take Mac to the Library for story time at least once a month
28. finish and print my blurb books of my blog from the last two years
29. read one book on parenting and one book on raising an adopted child (any suggestions?)
30. take more time for just myself


Ashley said...

"Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother."

It's great!

Emily said...

That's a great list! I'm excited that you're getting excited about adopting again!! I want more than anything for you to take my newborn's pictures. Want to come to Vegas in July? It's only about 115 degrees.

There were several things on that list that I would love to accomplish myself...FHE, reading more books, coupons, buying a house. Thanks for getting me thinking and motivated!

Jen said...

Love your list! I hope that you get to photograph YOUR new born baby! Also you know you have to tell me when you come to Colorado I am so excited to meet McCoy in person! I unfortunately do #15 almost every week! My excuse is FHE dessert! I sure hope you accomplish all your goals!

The Michiganders said...

One book I DON'T recommend is "Twenty Things Adoptive Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew". It was so discouraging, basically saying that adoptive children never get over the abandonment of losing thier natural mother.

Skip that one. I think there were some good points--but the author really focuses on the negative. I am so grateful to have an LDS perspective on adoption, temple sealing and eternal families.

I loved your list. Inspiring.

Courtenay Beth said...

GREAT list brenley. I should make a similar list.
Okay couponing, there are 2 sites I subscribe to, one is I am using the trial period (it's a dollar a week for 4 weeks at the beginning) and the dollars spent are well worth it in time you save researching stores and matching coupons, BUT if I were doing it again, I would collect coupons from the sunday paper for about a month BEFORE i hit couponing hard core. Most of the deals are had when there's a sale that can be paired with a coupon, and right now I am finding most of the deals listed are from coupon inserts from weeks ago. Also, I get like 3 sunday papers, 3 papers=3X the coupons, GREAT for building up food/toiletries storage!
The other site I like is called I found this one after I found the grocery game site, it has a lot of the same info but I like them both for different reasons. There are also lots of coupon blogs:
also, don't underestimate the power of youtube! Search for coupon clipping, search for walgreens couponing, watch a video about the grocery game, as much as you can.
It's so addicting, luckily it does save, especially if you prefer a certain brand of X anything. Love you, hope this helps!

Julee and Matt said...

What a list! I hope you are able to get everything done and I hope you come to Utah...we would love to have you visit!

Kristin and Seth said...

I love your list! I hope you can accomplish all of it! Most importantly the adoption and the vacation!

kimsueellen said...

LOVE your list. Things I hope to do too. So excited about your photography love.