Thursday, February 5, 2009

It WASN'T all in my head!

When Mac was a few months old, he had extremely bad eczema! He was covered from head to toe with what almost looked like bright red welts. His pediatrician said it is just eczema it will go away when he turns one. I thought it was a milk allergy, so we took him off milk based formula and put him on soy based. It seemed to help a little. We tried a few times to put him back on milk based formula, and it "seemed" like his skin would flare up each time we tried. As he got older it got a little better. As his skin was getting better I got a little more comfortable with him eating things with milk in it. And just recently as I have given him cheese, yogurt bites, and pudding, it has gotten bad again, along with diarrhea. So I called the allergist this week and was able to get him in today. My thoughts were confirmed when just a couple of minutes after they tested his skin, the test spots flared up, he is allergic to milk. They had told me that it would take 20 minutes, it only took 5 minutes. I hate that we will have to deal with this allergy since milk is in everything! But I am glad that it wasn't all in my head. The doctor did say that it will probably go away completely by the time he is in school. But to come back and have him tested when he is three. I guess the new advice on taking care of eczema is daily baths! Yikes, that will take some getting used to. Since we were told by the pediatrician when he was little to limit bathing. So he only gets a bath once a week, and it is usually a quick shower with Dad, in and out. I think I better go buy him some bath toys now, since he is supposed to take a bath for at least 20 minutes, another yikes! Anything for my baby boy! Love this kid!


Jenni said...

Well, I'm sure it feels good to know! I'm glad they finally figured it out. Isn't funny too how medical advice changes(like the bath thing). Anyway, your little guy is so cute, and I am so envious of your photography skills.
Hopefully, we will see you Friday!

Emily said...

Weird...I always thought less baths were better for eczema too.

I was allergic to milk when I was little, but I grew out of it, so hopefully he will too!

You're the mom...moms know best!

Jason & Kelli's Family said...

So glad you have an answer! Isn't it amazing how strong the mom instinct is!

Ashley said...

If it makes you feel better, I was allergic to milk as well. I drank soy milk and didn't have ice cream for years.

I outgrew it. I also used to be allergic to:
Dust (these two are still there)
and about 12 other things.

Get toys at the dollar store. We have duckies and froggies from there. It's cheap, easily replaceable and you can rotate new toys in without a problem.

Good luck!!!

rose said...

oh bummer. hopefully he'll grow out of it though. at least there are lots of milk alternatives for him these days. good luck with all the baths! that would definitely take getting used to! you'll just have lots of super-cute bath time photo ops now!

Shauna said...

You should talk to my sister about this. Her little boy has the same allergy. She always has great advice, and I'm sure she would love to share her ideas with you. After going through if for quite a few years now, I'm sure she has lots of knowledge on the subject. I always find it helpful to talk with people that have gone through similar situations. Good luck!

Ron and Jessica said...

Mom knows best! Allergies and dry skin are BFFs.

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Just goes to show how important it is to trust your instincts! Well, bummer about the allergy, but at least you know now and know what to do about it. I think you'll both have fun with the baths though...bathtime is a favorite around here.

Jen said...

When I was in 4th grade they tested me and I was allergic to SO many things. Including milk. I had to go on goats milk that is all they had! I went off all wheat products as well. I just got dry skin, but not the eczema. I eat anything I want now. My skin is still dry, but not as bad. Actually getting pregnant was by far the worse thing for my skin than anything! My hand and feet are still so dry from that. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Brenley, my heart goes out to you... I too am allergic to Milk. You will find many people tell you he is just lactose intolerant, but the actual milk allergy is worse, and that is what I have. YUCK! Unfortunately I was not a lucky one to outgrow it! 31 and still allergic. I hope your little guy outgrows it. I've learned to cook well, making non-dairy recipes, etc. Just an adjustment. E-mail if you need any help :-)