Monday, April 14, 2008

keeping busy...

 Daddy and Mac eating breakfast and reading an Accounting Magazine together.

We have been pretty busy that last couple of weeks, which has been why I have been mostly absent from blogging. So here is what we have been up to...

I prepared and taught a photography class for our Relief Society Birthday Enrichment night. It was a little overwhelming but it ended up being ok. I have been asked by a few people to post some photography tips, so I may use the material I have and do that every so often.

I have been having a lot of headaches and migraines, so those have put me out of commission for the last week or so. I even missed girls night out because of it!

Hubs and I went out to dinner and a movie for our 7th wedding anniversary, which is today. Mac had his first experience with babysitters, who were our friends from our ward. And we went out to Macaroni Grill and had some yummy food. The waitress asked us what we were celebrating and we told her and she came back a little while later with a chocolate dessert and two lit candles for us to blow out. And another waitress who sang us an Italian love song. It was a neat experience. We then went and saw Leatherheads, which we both really liked.

I was in charge of the combined YM YW mutual activity this last week. And it turned out pretty good. Just glad it isn't my turn for awhile.

I have been battling a really bad case of baby eczema all over Mac's chest and stomach. So far aquaphor has helped the most, and when I take Mac to his DR appt this week I am going to ask the doctor about Calendula cream. Anybody know anything about it??

Mac and I took the chance to get out of Helena and drove to Great Falls to go and visit C today. It is always so good to see her. Mac even put on a good show of all his wonderful moods, from happy, smiley, screaming to crying, and throwing a temper tantrum. Yes, my 4 month old throws temper tantrums and it is the cutest thing. I can't imagine what he will do when he is a toddler.

Today on Mac's 4 month birthday he laughed a lot when Hubs was tickling him under his arms. He has been doing some chuckling but nothing like this. We were so excited, and it was so darn cute.

It was beautiful weather all weekend and it got up in to the 80s, but it was so darn windy that you couldn't enjoy it at all. Which is a total bummer since their is 60 percent chance of snow tomorrow (Tuesday).

Hubs is really excited that he only has a month and a half left of seminary. He is getting really burnt out.

Hubs has also been running 3-4 times a week for the last couple of weeks. And he has been enjoying that although it has been having the opposite effect he wanted. He has been gaining weight instead of losing it. But it is making him more limber, he likes that he can actually touch his toes now.

Mac is an awesome sleeper, I am too spoiled! Last night he slept almost 12 hours. From 6:30 to 6:15. It takes everything in us to keep that boy up until 6:30 and then he is out for the night.

I have been trying to keep up with the many baby bottles and dishes. I want and need a dishwasher so badly.

The weather has been pretty decent so Mac and I have been taking walks when it isn't too windy.

One morning I got a knock at my door from a young lady about my age with two little girls and a plate of lemon bread. They just moved in across the street and she just was trying to meet neighbors. She stayed and talked for awhile, and it was really nice to know there was another young family nearby that we could get to know. Bummer part is that they were leaving out of town for a month. So hanging out with them will have to wait.

So that's the scoop on us. Not big, but a lot!


Sean, Jen, Carson and Addie said...

We're battling Exzema with Carson as well. Our doctor recommended slathering him in Hydracortizone (sp?)cream followed by Aquaphor on the really patchy parts twice a day until it clears up (should be in about a week). We are really seeing a difference so far. Cetaphyl lotion is supposed to work really well, too. Can't wait for the summer months when their sensitive little skin will do better than in the winter!!

Cali and Travis said...

Wow, busy, busy, busy! Take time now and then to give yourself a breather.

Jacob said...

Bryce - I started running last week. I am going to run 5K at the end of May. I think I am gaining weight too, I eat like a horse after I get back from running because I am so hungry.


Kim said...

Wow! You sound like me Busy, Busy, Busy! Life as a mom, wife, and member of the church doesn't give you much time for yourself I know! I love that talk Elder Ballard gave in the last conferance session along with President Monson's talk....if you have not heard them, they are wonderful. Happy 4 month Birthday McCoy!!! How exciting! I know you are excited for him to start rolling and moving around, but just remember once they start they don't stop! Take some Mommy need it! You are so awsome. I wish I could more like you!

Our Pratt Pack said...

Get a dishwasher it makes all the difference. We found a portable one on ebay for $100 when we moved out here it was our 1st one since being married and it's probably my favorite thing in the house!

Ron and Jessica said...

I love it when babies reach 4 months. It's so cute when they start laughing their little heads off :)

Julee and Matt said...

Busy little family! I really thinks McCoy is loving the accounting magazine. Madyson has had off and on problems with her skin. Cetaphyl works great! It's been a long winter here and her skin has been bothering her, but we put the lotion on a few times a day and she is just fine. And they sell it at Costco in a two pack for cheap!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Wow, you sure have been busy! That's better than being bored though, right? I like the photography tips should totally do that! (mostly because I need some serious help!) :) Happy Anniversary!!

rose said...

oh so busy.... and it doesn't seem to ever slow down! sorry about the migraines. i know how that knocks you down. :(
g has eczema, and we do cetaphil, but we had to get a prescription for cream- it's called Elidel. it works GREAT and we only have to use a little bit and it takes care of it for a week. also, no perfumed laundry detergent or dryer sheets because that can aggravate it too.
and mccoy is looking so adorable! such pretty big eyes!