Friday, April 20, 2007

Moving Update

Well, we have been getting alot of questions about what is going on with our move, so here is an update.

We went this last weekend on an all expense paid trip to Helena to shop for places to live. We took a straight flight there on a little 2-prop, 16 passenger plane. The desent and landings were very scary ( I was almost in tears and breaking Hubs's hand, because I have a slight fear of flying that I grew into as an adult, go figure). We spent most of the day Saturday looking at places that we had made appointments for to look at. We found three places that would do to rent until we can afford a house. We ended up with a cute little and very old duplex without a dishwasher (ugh!). But it is pretty cheap and we can save alot of money. It is also on a very pretty little street that actually is lined with trees. I would have taken pictues, but I didnt want to drag my huge camera with me, we were trying to pack lightly. Saturday night Hubs's company paid for dinner with a few of the people Hubs will be working with in the Enterprise Admin Office. We went to this very nice and fancy steak restaurant. It was expensive and actually the steak was really good. We figured out from our conversation that the HR manager (whom Hubs had talked to a few times about all the hiring details) is LDS, and had moved there from Utah a year and a half ago with his wife and three kids. So we ended up going to the office with him that night to get some paperwork and talked to him quite awhile. We found out what ward he goes to and it ended up being the same ward that our duplex is in, so we went to that ward on Sunday. They were so nice there, I think at least 6 or 7 people came up and introduced themselves and asked who we were before church even started. And before church ended we had an invite for dinner from someone in the ward that we had just met. They were super nice and had just moved to Helena from Idaho about 3 years ago. We didnt know we were going to be in that ward yet so everyone kept telling us "You have to move into this Ward, what do we have to do to get you to move into our Ward?" It was very nice to see what great people we will be surrounded by while we are so far away from all of our family and friends.

Well, our plans for moving are coming up the first week in May. Hubs starts work on the 7th of May. Enterprise is paying for movers so we will probably have them pack our stuff up on May 2nd. and spend a day cleaning our place and then leaving early the next day to drive the 10 hours to get there. My parents are going to caravan with us and let us fill the back of their truck with the stuff that we dont want lost of broken by the moving company. My parents are going to stay and help us unpack and spend mother's day with us. That is about it for moving details.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey Brenley! Wow, that is coming right up! It sounds like you guys have it all figured out though, and that's nice. Congrats on his new job and you guys will fit right in and make tons of friends so fast. Montana is GORGEOUS, so hopefully you will get lots of family visitors. We are moving to Idaho the week after that...crazy. Good luck with everything! Love you!