Well this is the last day I will be able to post anything for awhile, because the movers are coming tomorrow to pack us up and we dont know how long it will take us to get the internet in Helena. So I wanted to say a goodbye to all our friends and family. We love you all and you will be so missed. We have loved living in the Portland area so much and we thought we would be here alot longer, but you all know how things go with jobs. All those we know and love in the Fanno Creek Ward will be sorely missed, the Farr's, the Ditty's, the Jones', the Bishopric and all those many others that we have made friends with through our ward like the Bowcuts. I will miss my best friend Amy, my wonderful parents, my cousin Melody, the Weinberger's, and Hubs's sister and her family who just live down the road. We will miss all of our family of course and are sad that we wont be able to see all of them before we leave, especially our new little nephew who was born a few weeks ago that we have yet to see.
But the good news is thatI know we will be back to visit as often as we can. And you all can keep up with what we are doing by checking out our blog.
Again, we love you all!
B & B
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Adventures in Babysitting!
(Yes she is really asleep!)
Hubs and I had the opportunity to babysit our nieces and nephew [Hallie(almost 8), Abbi(5 1/2), and Sam(2)] for a week, and boy was it an adventure! Actually, all three kids were really good (and I am not just saying that because we are related to them, or that I know their mother will see this!). Here is our recap of the week:
Day 1:
Shannon and Jared leave for Hawaii that morning.
Get a call from Hallie's school in the afternoon telling me I needed to come pick her up because she fell and cut her head open.
Get to the school and pick her up, and nurses recommend that I take her to urgent care.
Go to urgent care after I get neighbors to watch the other to kids.
Doctor thinks Hallie should have a stitch or two.
Hallie ended up with no stitches because we couldnt get her to lay still for them, because she didnt want them AT ALL!
Doctor just tapes her cut shut.
Later that night Sam wasnt feeling very well and had a temp of 103.1, after giving him some medicine fever breaks.
Sam sleeps with us that night and we didnt get much sleep because he was all over the place in his restless sleep.
Day 2:
Attempt the Tulip Festival with the three kids and two of my friends and their three kids each, and no husbands.
Sunny when we arrived.
Kids played on toys for a little while, then we headed out to the tulip fields for pictures.
It starts to rain, we find a tent to hang out under.
Then it starts to HAIL (pea-sized).
The kids are freezing and not very happy.
We were far from a quick walk to the cars.
Finally there was a break in the weather and we all make a run for it.
The walk back was very slippery and muddy.
Poor Abbi falls on her hands and knees and is covered in mud.
She cried the rest of the way back to the car and was really worried about her pants being ruined (they were brown courderoy pants).
Finally get back to the car, and try to get everybody's shoes cleaned off so we wont get the van dirty.
Day 3: just a normal day.
Day 4: just another normal day.
We take the kids to Chucky Cheese. The kids had alot of fun!
Day 5:
We take the kids to OMSI with our friends the Farr's. We learned so very interesting stuff about the Amazon.
Hallie had a Choir Festival. I left Hubs at home with Abbi and Sam and Hallie and I headed out to be there the 45 minutes early we were supposed to be. When it was time for her Choir to perform they came and told us that they would come and get us in about 5 or 10 minutes. A whole hour later they finally came and got us. The kids didnt even start singing until a half hour after they were supposed to be done. There was alot of waiting and the kids were very restless. I was very glad it was just Hallie and I.
Day 6:
We took the kids to church. A very uneventful day, thank goodness!
Day 7:
The kids are very ready for their parents to come home. Abbi was crying at the drop of a hat.
Day 8:
Abbi still very sensitive and Sam would not take a nap and would not go to bed. He just cryed for last part of the day.
Shannon and Jared come home really late. To late for the kids to see them.
(I bet those kids were super excited to see their parents when they woke up!)
We had a lot of fun with the kids and we will miss them alot.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Chop! Chop!

Well, I took the plunge and chopped my hair off. My hair was past my shoulders since it has been a whole year since I cut it. I really like how it turned out, and I was suprised by that because I usually cant get my point across, to the person cutting my hair, of how I want my hair exactly. And actually I did want it a little shorter, but I am still so pleased. The girl was so patient with how long it took to do my hair because there is so much of it. I was at the salon for three hours. I got it hightlighted also, but you cant tell in the picture because the highlights are very suttle. I was laughing when Hubs was taking this because I felt like I was getting my mug shot taken, because he had me keep turning around to get a full 360 shot, so I can show who ever does my hair next.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Moving Update
Well, we have been getting alot of questions about what is going on with our move, so here is an update.
We went this last weekend on an all expense paid trip to Helena to shop for places to live. We took a straight flight there on a little 2-prop, 16 passenger plane. The desent and landings were very scary ( I was almost in tears and breaking Hubs's hand, because I have a slight fear of flying that I grew into as an adult, go figure). We spent most of the day Saturday looking at places that we had made appointments for to look at. We found three places that would do to rent until we can afford a house. We ended up with a cute little and very old duplex without a dishwasher (ugh!). But it is pretty cheap and we can save alot of money. It is also on a very pretty little street that actually is lined with trees. I would have taken pictues, but I didnt want to drag my huge camera with me, we were trying to pack lightly. Saturday night Hubs's company paid for dinner with a few of the people Hubs will be working with in the Enterprise Admin Office. We went to this very nice and fancy steak restaurant. It was expensive and actually the steak was really good. We figured out from our conversation that the HR manager (whom Hubs had talked to a few times about all the hiring details) is LDS, and had moved there from Utah a year and a half ago with his wife and three kids. So we ended up going to the office with him that night to get some paperwork and talked to him quite awhile. We found out what ward he goes to and it ended up being the same ward that our duplex is in, so we went to that ward on Sunday. They were so nice there, I think at least 6 or 7 people came up and introduced themselves and asked who we were before church even started. And before church ended we had an invite for dinner from someone in the ward that we had just met. They were super nice and had just moved to Helena from Idaho about 3 years ago. We didnt know we were going to be in that ward yet so everyone kept telling us "You have to move into this Ward, what do we have to do to get you to move into our Ward?" It was very nice to see what great people we will be surrounded by while we are so far away from all of our family and friends.
Well, our plans for moving are coming up the first week in May. Hubs starts work on the 7th of May. Enterprise is paying for movers so we will probably have them pack our stuff up on May 2nd. and spend a day cleaning our place and then leaving early the next day to drive the 10 hours to get there. My parents are going to caravan with us and let us fill the back of their truck with the stuff that we dont want lost of broken by the moving company. My parents are going to stay and help us unpack and spend mother's day with us. That is about it for moving details.
We went this last weekend on an all expense paid trip to Helena to shop for places to live. We took a straight flight there on a little 2-prop, 16 passenger plane. The desent and landings were very scary ( I was almost in tears and breaking Hubs's hand, because I have a slight fear of flying that I grew into as an adult, go figure). We spent most of the day Saturday looking at places that we had made appointments for to look at. We found three places that would do to rent until we can afford a house. We ended up with a cute little and very old duplex without a dishwasher (ugh!). But it is pretty cheap and we can save alot of money. It is also on a very pretty little street that actually is lined with trees. I would have taken pictues, but I didnt want to drag my huge camera with me, we were trying to pack lightly. Saturday night Hubs's company paid for dinner with a few of the people Hubs will be working with in the Enterprise Admin Office. We went to this very nice and fancy steak restaurant. It was expensive and actually the steak was really good. We figured out from our conversation that the HR manager (whom Hubs had talked to a few times about all the hiring details) is LDS, and had moved there from Utah a year and a half ago with his wife and three kids. So we ended up going to the office with him that night to get some paperwork and talked to him quite awhile. We found out what ward he goes to and it ended up being the same ward that our duplex is in, so we went to that ward on Sunday. They were so nice there, I think at least 6 or 7 people came up and introduced themselves and asked who we were before church even started. And before church ended we had an invite for dinner from someone in the ward that we had just met. They were super nice and had just moved to Helena from Idaho about 3 years ago. We didnt know we were going to be in that ward yet so everyone kept telling us "You have to move into this Ward, what do we have to do to get you to move into our Ward?" It was very nice to see what great people we will be surrounded by while we are so far away from all of our family and friends.
Well, our plans for moving are coming up the first week in May. Hubs starts work on the 7th of May. Enterprise is paying for movers so we will probably have them pack our stuff up on May 2nd. and spend a day cleaning our place and then leaving early the next day to drive the 10 hours to get there. My parents are going to caravan with us and let us fill the back of their truck with the stuff that we dont want lost of broken by the moving company. My parents are going to stay and help us unpack and spend mother's day with us. That is about it for moving details.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Well, Hubs and I have just had our 6th wedding anniversary this last weekend. I can hardly believe how fast it has flown by for the both of us (well most of the time it did!). Through the last six years we have had a ton of fun, laughs, tears and heartache. We both have accomplished alot, Hubs-educationally & personally, and I-personally. And we are excited for what still lays ahead for us, and scared. But through everything we know we have each other and that is the best part. We are especially grateful that we get to spend time and all eternity together!!!
Here are a few pictures to commemorate our last six years.
Boy do we look young.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Our Easter!
This is our last family picture with Hubs's family for awhile since we are moving to Montana. And this picture is actually outdated now, because Hubs's sister Steph in the pink dress had her baby the day after this was taken.

We had a fun Easter Sunday at Hubs's sister's house in Corvallis. We had ham and their was a very cool magic show put on by our nephew Cole, and a very fun Easter egg hunt.
This is our nephew Sam, he liked opening the Easter eggs that he found and eating the candy immediately. Notice the nice pile of candy wrappers at his feet.
Here are some of the girls watching the magic show. Hubs's little sister Jessica (who just turned 16!) His Mom and two older sister's Shannon and Stephanie and our neice Maia.
Cute Cole and his magic show he did for the family. He had to do a magic show in front of a group, for Scouts, so we got to be the lucky audience.
We had a fun Easter Sunday at Hubs's sister's house in Corvallis. We had ham and their was a very cool magic show put on by our nephew Cole, and a very fun Easter egg hunt.
Our "junk"!
So our garage has been a mess since Christmas, and we decided that we needed to go through some of our things and get rid of and put some things away. So here are some before and after pics of our mess!!

This is the after picture, but taken from the opposite end of the garage that I took the before pictures at. This was still taken before our goodwill run which is the stuff you see at the end of the garage.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Montana, Here we come!!!
So we are moving to Montana! Helena, Montana to be exact. Hubs got a job back with Enterprise Rent-A-Car. We will be moving in about a month.
CRAZY!!! I have never lived outside of Oregon, so this will be a huge adjustment for me. Hubs and I took a road trip this last weekend and drove to Helena to see what it is like and to make our final decision that we were going to take this job. And we decided that it is the right thing to do. I am a little freaked about all the stuff I have to get done to move. And I hate leaving my Parents and Hubs's family. We will so miss Mylisa, our friends and our wonderful Ward here in Tigard.
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