Sunday, March 11, 2018

Week 10

We needed to get our tires rotated so we took our school with us. It got done quicker than we could get school done so we headed to the library to finish. 

The kids love our cat. They just laid here with him for 15 minutes. 

Playing a math game. 

Mac decided he wanted to earn some money making banana bread. He did a great job and did everything himself. 

Mac also worked really hard and earned his green belt. 

We went to the rock and gem show. The kids loved it. 

I took Oak on a date. 

She got a star bar which reminds me of a story from my childhood when my oldest brother (who is 15 years older than me) took me to dairy queen and I asked for a star bar and he wouldn't buy me one. So I said in my maddest little kid voice. "Just thanks a lot for not getting me a staw(r) baw(r)!!" And that has been a funny story in our family ever since. I took this photo and sent it to my brother. He loved it. 

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