Sunday, June 18, 2017

week 24

mac loves baking. making us blueberry muffins.


drawing maps of our own worlds

Oaks map

Mac came out of quiet time talking about making banana bread and selling it and trying to figure out how much it would cost. It was really cute.

Oak can officially braid her own hair.

Zuzu's first time out with mama hen.

The kids writing their bucket list of things to do at the family campout.

This is Mac's

One of Oak's cute little paper dolls that I found.

We got caterpillars. It was such a fun experience.

My mom's siblings and their families have a campout reunion every year. I have been going since I was a kid. And it is a pleasure to take my kids now. Unfortunately not very many people come anymore so they are thinking about making it a picnic every year instead.

The weather was nice enough for swimming. Yay!

Drying off with cousins.

Hubs playing a card game with my cousin and Uncles.

The kids always look forward to golf cart rides from my uncle.

Skip Bo with the lady cousins

My cute mom.

6 of the 9

Happy Father's Day to this amazing man.

Playing with cousins

The campout is always on father's day weekend. And isn't too far from my in-laws so we always stop to see them on the way home.

Mac wanted a picture with all the fathers and FUTURE fathers. So cute!

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