Sunday, April 24, 2016

running away, Gloria and going to the movies...

This is kind of short post because part of our week was our vacation and I want to do a separate post for that. 

I was helping Mac clean his room and found a bag of shorts I bought for Mac at the end of last summer for $2 a piece. So excited that he is set for the summer. 


Mad that I won't help him empty the dishwasher because I was busy getting some other house work done and he is completely capable of doing it on his own. He cried about it for about half an hour before he...

Ran away because I wouldn't help him with the dishwasher. I just let him and watched him from behind a vehicle so he didn't see me. He walked about a quarter mile and turned around. He said his "feet hurt". 

It was a beautiful day and the kids had a picnic for lunch. The two extra kids is the little girl I babysit and the little girl our neighbor babysits. 

Our cute little bantam Gloria. She is so adorable. 

Gloria pooped on Oak. 

Playing at the park. 

We ended up going to see Jungle book and it was so good. We loved it. Poor Oak started not feeling well and ended up going home and throwing up. 

Mac painting his pine wood derby car. 

We needed to get rid of this dead tree in front of our house. The problem was that if it fell the wrong way it would fall onto some power lines. So we tied the top of the tree to the back of my dad's truck and after Hubs used the chainsaw on the tree I got to pull it down with the truck. 


I thought it was hilarious that the kids accidentally got suckers at the bank that matched their pants and shorts. 

Apparently I am allergic to amoxacillan. It was preventative and I was on day eight of ten so I just stopped taking it. I won't be taking that again. 

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