Sunday, November 17, 2013

Big changes...

So we have had some big changes underway in our life! These changes come after A LOT of fasting and prayer, A LOT of discussions and guidance, and A LOT of stress. And after all of that we are confident, as hard as the changes are and will be, that this is what we are supposed to be doing. We have had a few experiences that have confirmed this.

Two weeks ago, my Hubs gave his two week notice to his current employer, where he has been for the last five and a half years. And tomorrow he starts as a partner in a CPA firm in Klamath Falls. YES, we will be moving! 

Tomorrow our house will officially be on the market for sale. And I have worked my tale off the last couple of weeks getting our house ready to sell. It has been really stressful, but I am praying that my hard work pays off with our house selling quickly. 

We are excited and sad and stressed and calm all at the same time!

Excited for the new opportunity and to see what Heavenly Father has in store for us.
Sad to be moving away from family, our amazing neighbors and our Taekwondo family.
Stressed with all that has to be done to make this happen.
And calm that this is right, no matter how absurd it sounds.

Let the journey begin...


Jewls said...

This gave me the chills! So excited for you guys! I hope that your new journey brings a new baby! :)

jessica said...

I'm so excited for your new adventures, but soo sad you guys won't be close to Mom and Dad's anymore! We will miss you!!!

Shaun and Lanette said...

Wow! What big, exciting news! Klamath falls is on our route to grants pass to see my family, I've always liked it there. Congratulations!