Tuesday, February 2, 2010


One of my favorite moments of being Mac's Mommy are the moments when I feel such incredible JOY and LOVE for him that I feel like I am literally going to explode and I have the urge to grab him and hold him close forever and never let him go. I am so incredibly grateful that I get to have my sweet boy forever.
Lately when I have had these moments with Mac, I feel that same love growing for our next baby. And I can totally imagine having these same feeling with our next little one. It makes me so anxious to get my baby here to us.
I have some very specific feelings about our baby, and the fact that we feel someone is missing in our home, but at the moment they are too personal to share. For a couple of months I was really struggling with all that goes with preparing ourselves to add to our family again through adoption. But over the month of January, I have had alot of experiences, reminders and comfort that show me all will be well and soon we will have our baby with us (even with all the reminders that Satan is really trying hard to destroy this for us)!
I have enjoyed the opportunity that we have had to ask for love, peace, comfort and guidance for the Birthmother of our baby in our prayers each day. And I love that C (Mac's Birthmother) has told us that she is also praying for her, that gives me great hope.
I have also been reminded at what a spiritual journey adoption is and I am excited to see our next adoption story unfold.


FarrEver Family said...

I am so excited to get to be a part of this journey, if only through your blog.
The church is bringing a lot of kids over from an orphanage in Haiti. The person who ran them is the mission president over there. His own son is missing, but all of the orphans were accounted for.
I thought of you immediately, but all of the kids are staying here in Utah so they have each other for support.
I know your own journey will begin soon, even if now you can't see it happening. God is the master weaver, and He is already forming a new addition to your beautiful family.
I am so excited for you!!!

Kristin and Seth said...

I am so grateful that you can feel that love and know that another baby is on its way. I pray that the time will come soon, Satan has a way with us when things take a long time. Hang in there. I just wanted to mention to you also that I figured out what was causing my headaches. I was low on Iron. I wasn't clinically low, but I started taking an iron pill and my daily headaches disapeared. You may not be low on something by most peoples standards, but if your doc says it wouldn't hurt to try a few suppliments, I would give it a try. Anyhow my iron pill has seriously changed my life.

Matt and Christy said...

I know the feeling of absolute joy and love for a child. Sometimes it hurts because I love Elijah so much. I'm glad that your adoption is on track, too.

Ron and Jessica said...

Seriously those moments of love for our babies are amazing! I had one the other day on a short drive to the store with Zachary. Glad you had a comforting January!
P.S. Commented on your comment on our bloggy.

Stephanie said...

I think that C just keeps showing how amazing she is... that is so sweet and kind of her to be praying for McCoy's sibling and for the birthmother. Adoption is amazing and I'm praying that your next little bundle will be arriving soon.

Cali and Travis said...

Well I'm glad you've had some comforting moments. Truthfully, I'm still struggling. We know there's another out there for us, but we haven't even started the process again. we just keep making excuses. I can't seem to get excited about it again even though I know there's another one out there. The very idea makes me ill. Any advice or suggestion of how to get past this funk would be greatly appreciated.