Sunday, February 4, 2018

Week 5

The kids are pen pals with their grandma and have fun getting letters from her and writing her back. 

What the table looks like for school most days. 

I seriously hate the game Risk, but it is Mac's favorite game. Every once in awhile I will use it as a bucket filler for him and play with him. 

We were slacking on our read alouds and we finally found a set time so that we got it done every day. Right after quiet time the kids will come in my room and snuggle me in my bed and I will read to them. 

It was a beautiful day so we headed to the park/lake.

The lake looked extra amazing this day. 

We took the time to learn about North and South Korea before the Olympics started. 

Yoga for recess. 

The kids were wanting to improve their sewing skills so we pulled it out for school one day. I found some fun practice patterns to print to just practice.

We love our Language Arts curriculum.

Our little town sure knows how to show off with it's beautiful sunsets. 

We got up early enough to see the lunar eclipse, blue moon. 

Mac decided to start a big project of making perler bead flags of the countries participating in the Olympics. We all got into it and it was a lot of fun. 

Ice skating

Our old friends who used to live here came for a visit. I surprised my kids by meeting them at the park. They were so excited! We miss this family so much!

My very first friend when we moved here and who also homeschooled. Miss her so much.

The boys came back to our house for a bit and they even got into the perler bead flag making. 

Every time we go to the farm store we have to go see the pets. This day we got lucky and they let the kids hold the bunnies. 

We started a new thing at dinner. Where we eat our salad first just like at the restaurants. It surprisingly helped with Mac who is super picky. There was much less complaining at dinner about food. 

Some of the things we are reading...

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