Monday, March 7, 2016

"camping", spelling bee and chores...

You can't get a new tent without having a campout in the family room. The best part was that it was downstairs at grandma's house so I didn't have to be in charge.

I was feeling the itch for scones and honey butter. yum!

Sleeping in the tent.

Helping Oak read on a rough homeschool day.

The kids had some friends over and Mac accidently got covered in mud when his friend slapped a shovel on a puddle of mud.

We lingered in bed longer and read Dr. Suess books for Dr, Suess's birthday. 

And Mac made lego creations of Dr, Suess

Love him!

Mac and his best buddy J. We are so sad that they will be moving. His mother was my first friend after we moved here. And she is just a great friend and fellow homeschool mom. 

My friend put a spelling bee for a few of her homeschool mom friends from her ward and me (although I am not in her ward any more). She always does such a great job at planning things and made these super cute cupcakes. 

The kids practiced so hard on their words for the spelling be. They got to pick their own words and practice them over a months time. And then were asked those words only. It wasn't an elimination bee so they both go all of their words right except one. 

I was impressed that Oak didn't get all pretend shy up there. She got right up and did her thing. 

I was also impressed that Mac didn't get up there and act like a goofball. 

Getting their medal.

All the kids playing with their prizes, Mac got the checkers set. 

We got another new girl cousin. yay!

I asked them to help with the laundry and they did it together and willingly and happily. 

Donut day!

Sick kids! Boo!

I found Oak up at the counter drawing this before church. She just has the biggest heart. She later added her birthparents and Mac's birth mom.

1 comment:

James and Elizabeth said...

I love camping in the basement. Oh and I forgot to mention Oak's stitching from last post is amazing. I love the happy chores and that spelling bee looked like a lot of fun. Give Oak a hug from me I just love her drawing.